
24-hour Companions know that not everybody works the same hours, which is essential for them to succeed as an escort, so they have to be flexible and be able to provide companionship at any hour of the day.

Maybe you don’t like to get up that early before work; perhaps you need to rest as much as possible. If you are trudging through the workday, paperwork is piling up, tensions and pressure are mounting inside… step out for a while, grab a bite to eat, and breathe fresh air. You could even make an appointment to see one of us in-call ladies. Our 247 escorts in London can provide you with a nice massage to help you calm down and forget about the office for just a little while. You can return to work ready to face the tasks ahead of you.

Traditionally, men tend to book a 24-hour Companion after they have finished a long workday and need some time to unwind and relax. Try something different for a change; have an overnight escort sent to you in the early morning hours before you go to work. Spend a couple of hours with her, have a little fun, shower, clean up together and send her on her way. You’ll arrive at work with a little more spring in your step, maybe even with a smile and a renewed sense of energy.

Our ladies are available almost 24 hours a day and work year-round. It doesn’t matter what kind of hours you work because a lady will always be willing to provide innovative, intelligent, professional and fun to be around companions for your enjoyment.
Every day and night is a good one when you make an appointment to spend some time with 24-hour Companions.


When it comes to running 24-hour Companions, it’s not always easy. It’s not just about putting clients in touch with girls: it’s finding the right girls, it’s making sure they are where they’re supposed to be, it’s making sure the phones are answered and enquiries dealt with, etc. We’re sure you can appreciate the work that goes on. As a 24-hour agency, we’re very proud and ready to take our place as a reliable and trusted 247 escort agency.

We’re open all day long. We have been from the start, and we have enough ladies to make sure all of our clients and any new customers we get are kept very happy and content indeed.

Aside from now being open 24 hours, one of the main reasons we continue to be among the city’s best is simply because we manage to list beautiful ladies. These are not just ordinary girls; each one of them is very special in a very unique way.

For example, we have ladies working as models in between their escort bookings. Some of our ladies might be very familiar to you indeed if you’ve spent any more than ten minutes at your computer looking at our gallery. Wouldn’t it be nice to meet some of our fine ladies in the flesh?

Now that we have committed to our clients and, indeed, our girls, we are dedicated to answering your call and arranging your booking. Believe us when we say that no matter what time it is and what your requirements are, we feel confident we can help you realise your perfect escort date in a professional and friendly manner. So whenever you’re ready, we’re ready.


Not all the girls will be available over Christmas, of course, but several new faces will be, and several 24-hour Companions plan to come to London in December. Feast your eyes on these girls and make your booking as early as you can to avoid disappointment. Some of our ladies don’t stay around very long, and unless you want to book them from somewhere else in the world and stump up a hefty bill in travel expenses, a little advance organisation is a good idea!

Check out Crystal, one of our Piccadilly Escorts. Who wouldn’t want this stunning escort for Christmas? So you can give yourself a nice early Christmas present! Don’t ever let it be said that 24-hour Companions don’t have a festive spirit!

Brandy is another of our ladies available if you’re in London; you might as well make a booking. She’s one of our Lancaster Gate escorts, and you know she will be as sexy as hell!

How about Fryda as an early naughty Christmas present? Now, wouldn’t that be a fine thing? She’s a fantastic dominatrix with an excellent reputation for perfwell. The same can be said about her escorting services, of course (we wouldn’t represent her otherwise!). Her shape is attributed to her Latino origins, and you can bet your life that this Portuguese escort will show you a little of that well-known passion! She’ll be in London in December, so book a date on the town with this 24-hour companion!


Our overnight escorts don’t just get booked in the evening. There is another group of clients who like to have the company of their favourite ladies during the day…

Booking rooms during the day is becoming more popular, or perhaps just more openly available. When you consider that there are thousands of rooms across London that are left empty all day long, it seems a shame that they couldn’t be used. Of course, they’ll have to be cleaned, etc.; hiring out a hotel room or suite during the day is the best thing many hotels can do these days in this increasingly competitive industry.

The ladies we represent are all very familiar with the process. Many of them have done this for themselves to entertain incoming clients. If they have enough bookings, then it makes perfect sense for them to book a day-rate hotel to see their clients, and they could have a different room every day if they wanted!

Before you jump to conclusions and presume that anywhere you book will know you’re spending time with escorts, you would be surprised to learn just how popular daytime rooms are. They’re not just booked by couples who want to be a little naughty in the daytime, although this is common too! There are several other reasons.

International travellers often need somewhere to take a power nap or relax when they’re a little jetlagged and don’t necessarily require a room for the night, or perhaps their hotel reservation is unavailable until the evening. Some companies like to book hotel suites to run meetings and get-togethers; sometimes, meetings and interviewing sessions, too.

Booking escorts in the daytime to come to your hotel is arguably more discrete than at any other time. When you think about it carefully, people come and go to their hotel rooms all day long. They go out shopping and return to their room to shower and relax. They go to lunch; they come back to the hotel to rest, perhaps with company. This is all especially so if you are renting a suite, of course. People are constantly being invited to hotel suites in hotels, simply for more privacy. A hotel is used to people having drinks in a hotel bar, or perhaps lunch for a business meeting, and then taking that meeting upstairs.


You may be quite happily married but longing to know what it feels like to have an affair. It’s not unusual, you know. There are so many men out there who have been doggedly faithful all their lives. They see the glamorous affairs on the TV with celebrities and in movies, and they wonder what it would feel like. We all love a bit of excitement and danger in our lives, but we don’t necessarily want to get too involved. Herein lies the problem with “experiencing an affair” with another woman. But you don’t get any issues with overnight escorts.

Do you remember “Fatal Attraction”? The short version is that a guy tried to have an affair, and the woman he had an experience with went crazy because she didn’t want to share him. Now, we’re not saying this will happen to you if you choose to have an affair, but what we are saying is that it would never happen with an escort! Professional London escorts don’t fall in love and get all crazy about their clients because they always have another to move on to!

It’s more than likely more to do with the actual rendezvous with the woman than what you get up to that you’re most intrigued about, especially if you have never had an affair before! This is the excitement that gets your heart beating. You wonder if you’ll be seen, delete your phone messages, etc. This can all be achieved with escorts without the risk! All the ladies we represent live in very discreet locations around London, and they are never likely to meet you again, much less acknowledge you if they do.

Experience the affair you’ve been fantasising about and live a little!