
Tips from a woman who sees many different types of men are sure to be helpful, so even though we may be shooting ourselves in the foot by telling you, here are some of the best dating tips you’re likely to find, and they’re all fully endorsed by our very own escorts in London.

· Smile a lot. Sounds pretty silly saying that, right? But we have it on excellent authority from our ladies that no matter how evil your smile is if it’s genuine, you will be desired. Women want a happy person in their life. It’s not about the “mean and moody” James Dean approach anymore; that’s for kids!

· Be yourself. If you’re not an idiot, try to be someone else! We’re kidding, of course. Back to the first point about being genuine. You’re dealing with high-class escorts here, not silly young girls. They will know if you’re putting on an act, and your date will know, too. There is something to be said for “women’s intuition”.

· Be confident. If your date is with you, she finds something attractive about you. She has, after all, agreed to go out with you! So take this feeling and allow it to make you feel confident about who you are and what you offer. It is beautiful in a man.

· Don’t be mean. We’re not talking about the nasty type of mean; we are referring to your generosity. Of course, you’ll pay for dinner when you book escorts (you’re paying for her company, after all), but you should always make sure you spend on your first date with any woman. Insist if necessary. You can be more relaxed if you have a second and third date.

Practice on 24hr Companions!

What better reason to book an overnight escort than to practice your technique on them? Now, you could argue that dating and booking hired companionship are separate, and you’d be right. As you’ve read, most dating tips are simply the proper way to treat women, whether they’re escorts or otherwise; it shouldn’t matter.

So you see, practising on escorts is a good idea. If you make her genuinely happy, she laughs at your jokes and appreciates your efforts; you can quite quickly transfer your successes to the dating scene. And we think most of those clients that visit us here at 24hr Companions can tell whether or not someone is genuine! You’re not idiots!


When you book an escort in London, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask her to wear an outfit which you find appealing. For dinner dates, it may be appropriate to ask her to wear a stylish cocktail dress with sky-high shoes, while for other, more intimate meetings, you may prefer her to dress in some uniform. We all have fantasies, but those involving uniforms can be quickly realised. While uniforms such as those worn by nurses or French maids can be very arousing, one outfit which retains its universal popularity is that of the secretary.

How will you react when your fantasy presents itself in glorious technicolour? When can you see and touch the image that has been present in your mind for so long? Now you have your chance to play out for real all those games you’ve created in your head. Perhaps you’ll be the boss, like the guy in the film Secretary who has to spank his assistant every time she gets something wrong. The choice is yours. You make the game’s rules and decide how the story goes.

Just imagine the stereotypical image of a secretary. The prim white buttoned-up blouse, the tight pencil skirt, the seamed stockings and stiletto heels. Maybe she’s wearing her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck, perhaps even a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. Can you hear the sound of her stiletto heels as she makes her way to the door of your hotel room? The rhythmic click as the steel-tipped heels make contact with the wooden floor. Just imagine how your heartbeat will increase as your imagination conjures up images of what is about to happen and how you’re going to feel when you open the door to your very own fantasy.

Imagine it now as your secretary removes the pin holding her bun and lets her hair tumble around her shoulders. See her manicured fingers undo those tiny buttons on her silk shirt, one by one, until you can see the lace trim of her virginal white bra. Imagine how her bottom looks as she bends to pick up the pen you deliberately dropped on the floor and how the seams of her stockings highlight the shape of her legs.


When it comes to the fantasies of men, then there can be no limitations at all! Now, to bring to life all the naughty dreams of gentlemen, our agency has increased in London. And we have become very popular overnight. The demand for a young overnight escort to London is endless, and many gentlemen find that 24-hour Companions fulfil all of their dreams.

Therefore, a beautiful Eastern European escort is now waiting at the other end to receive a call to go on a date with you. This date will be one of the most essential and beautiful dates of your life. She is undoubtedly the desire of thousands like you out there. And it is you who are lucky enough to enjoy her priceless company.

Many individuals desperately seek a female for companionship to add new meaning to their lives. These people now can have their pick from 24hr Companions. The agency today is in high demand and provides some of the most beautiful and hottest girls in London. Yes, your dream girl can now be your friend for as long as you want. She will talk, walk and behave just like the way you want her to do. Satisfying you is her main objective.

So, now that you have your dream lady by your side, you must be all set to enjoy the envy of all other gentlemen.

If you decided that you wanted a threesome with your partner (to spice things up a little) or you wanted two escort ladies to come and have double the fun, we can arrange that, too.

Don’t be afraid to ask – we may say no. Still, more often than not, we can indulge your wildest fantasies as we have some pretty unique and diverse escorts on our books who are very experienced and can suggest some ‘far out’ things to do and experiment with.

Our girls love a bit of excitement – so go ahead and book today; you only live once!!!


Discretion and bespoke services are our specialities. We cater for all tastes, preferences and fantasies as far as we possibly can. If two blondes are your thing, two brunettes, or even one of each (what a complimentary ensemble that would be), then we can provide it. Why not look at our galleries, jot down the names of the girls you are most attracted to and then call us to see if we can pair them up? We are open 24 hours a day, so we believe there will always be a time when you can get away and indulge yourself in one or maybe two of our escort duos.

When our clients call to book their favourite or new elite escort companions, they sometimes ask us for escort duos – two girls for twice the fun and twice the thrills. They know that occasionally, there is room for expansion when acting out a fantasy. There is nothing more than one or two of our 24-hour Companions love more than to showcase her talents. It’s even more fun as part of a double act. We have many ladies who specialise in this sort of thing; you can look at our gallery to see what flighty females we have who will entertain you in this way.

Not all of our 24hr escorts are bi-sexual, but they are open-minded. There are some young women on our books who prefer to work alone as they like to keep their clients all to themselves. However, if you call and ask or take a look at our gallery, we can give you a list of those we consider to work the best with a friend and who may live together or in the same area to make things a little easier. For example, if you liked two ladies, but one lived in Marble Arch and the other in Paddington, the girls are practically next-door neighbours and would happily meet up at a hotel of your choice or even at a residence for some adult fun.


We have a new Russian client staying in West London for six months. He has a wife and children back in Moscow but wanted a professional and knowledgeable guide to show him the sights of the City. He chose one of our 24-hour Companions, so with 24 hours ‘ notice to prepare something, we had a good look at the British Museum. We thought you couldn’t get much more British than the royal family, so we booked into the Mary Queen of Scots and Royal Manuscripts exhibitions.

We then thought about where would be the best place to dine. We have friends at Gordon Ramsey’s Claridges. So, we booked a table; it would be rude not to.

Our Russian client has booked time for this week and next, asking to come up with something completely different each time, with the expense of being spared. We have suggested the theatre but think he wants to do something that involves walking about. If the weather holds, we might suggest strolling the length of the South Bank and then looking at St Paul, Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament.

If you want one of our fantastic London escorts to show you around London or organise the best restaurant or bar to go to – just let 24-hour Companions know what you would like, and we will be only too happy to suggest a suitable venue for you. We know all the best clubs and 5* restaurants, so you will never book somewhere and be disappointed. We pride ourselves in being a helpful London 24-hour escort agency and want you to have the best experience with one of our lovely ladies.