
If you are a young professional who has recently moved to London to further your career, then you may well be finding the city to be a little overwhelming. Indeed, the sheer size and pace of London can take a while to get used to, mainly if you are not used to city life at all.

Of course, the easiest way to adapt to any new place is to make a few new friends and use them to help you adjust. However, whilst this can quickly pay dividends in most other towns and cities across the UK, it can be somewhat different in London.

Indeed, whilst joining a few clubs or sports teams in most places will generally be enough for you to make new acquaintances and be invited out for a few drinks, it is rarely the case in the capital. This is because life moves at breakneck speed in London, and people are invariably too busy to add even more friends to their super-complicated lives. So, whilst your new pals at football or badminton may be friendly enough to talk to, don’t expect them to ask you out for a Friday or Saturday night on the tiles anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the same prospects also apply much of the time to da. Whilst the number of single girls in London is statistically very favourable to a single man, the number of available single girls is far lower. This is because many girls are in London for the same reason you are – to further their careers – consequently, they do not have the time to complicate their lives with romantic liaisons and distracting relationships.

However, before you concede defeat and head to the train station with a one-way ticket home, you should take a moment to consider things more carefully.

Indeed, there is always a ‘bedding in’ period whenever you move to somewhere new and whilst London may be less forgiving than most other places, your rewards will come if you give it time. Indeed, once your face becomes a little more familiar at work, in your building and around your neighbourhood, you will eventually form friendships that will create social networks.

Moreover, you can always make the most of the unique benefits that London has whilst you are waiting for those friendships to manifest themselves.

Indeed, the benefit of being a single man alone in a city like London is that you can take advantage of the services that companies like Pink 24-hour London escort agency can offer. Our beautiful, intelligent London escorts will be more than happy to keep you company whenever you’re feeling a little bit lonely and will soon help you banish any thoughts you may have about leaving town.


It is an extraordinary moment when you realise you’ve finally met ‘the one’. Indeed, that feeling you have when it becomes clear your special lady is the woman you’ve been searching for is something more gratifying and all-encompassing than words can describe.

A Boundless Future

To be sure, knowing you will be spending your life with a woman who is everything you ever wanted a partner to be can make the world seem much better. After all, you’ve got everything to look forward to: the wedding, the house, the 2.4 kids, the family Christmases – all of it.

Quite simply, it feels like all the jigsaw pieces have fallen into place, and your future looks as rosy and boundless as possible.

Until things start to go wrong, that is.

The Writing on the Wall

The thing with long-term relationships is that the two people in them inevitably move in different directions over time. Indeed, whilst a couple may have had everything in common in their early twenties, this may not be the case when they reach their mid-thirties.

This can often make both parties feel like they are reading from different scripts, and when this happens, things generally start to unravel. Indeed, the rosy future begins to look less confident, and the family Christmases seem less appealing than they once did.

More often than not, this is the writing on the wall, and therefore, it is a matter of time before those two painful words are uttered: “It’s over”.

Moving On

Coming out of a long-term relationship can feel like coming out of prison – everything seems to have moved on, yet you have remained the same. Whilst you may feel like celebrating your newfound freedom and enjoying all the things you liked doing when you were single, you inevitably find that most of your pals have long-term partners and aren’t the best company to be around.

Female Company

Of course, it is only natural to want female company, even after coming out of a long-term relationship. However, it can be hard to find women who will be happy to spend time with you without developing some emotional attachment (which is ideally something you could without at this moment in time).

Fortunately, our London escorts agency could be just what you need now.

Our beautiful escorts in London can provide you with an attractive, articulate and enjoyable female company which is entirely uncomplicated; therefore, you can enjoy all the benefits of being with a beautiful lady without having to worry about any of the emotional issues which inevitably come with dating.

So, if you’re looking for a gentle way to get over your failed long-term relationship, arrange a date with one of our London ladies here at 24-hour Companions.


My idea of saving is defined as: ‘squirrelling cash away so I can’t reach it’. I have a reserve account attached to my main current account and an off-shore bank account that only you, me and the gatepost know about. I keep that money for a rainy day, but there have been so many rainy days lately that I can’t decide which of them will inherit my money! Some weeks, I can deposit a few hundred in at the bank, especially when dates have paid for my delectable services at a time and a half – or an in-call becomes overnight.

It goes against all my principles to accept cash presents. Of course, there are my regular clients who treat me like a princess and who believe that I am their only and do not take them for granted. We set the ground rules before the date begins and never speak of money again after that… it makes me feel awkward. I am a very independent woman, like it or lump it.

Now I need a hole. I could make it a working holiday, and my London escort agency can arrange this for me as specific clients would love to see me. But I’d like to switch my phone off and read a book. I wish for a large swimming pool, a sun lounger and a dialect I must concentrate on to understand – and somewhere non-touristy. A desert island, perhaps!! I’m feeling a trip to the travel agent happening soon …

But for now, I must close my laptop and concentrate on an evening with Paul, who wants to try out the Cinnamon Club in Westminster. Note to self not to wear white where curry is concerned.

If you’ve ever wanted a travel companion, we will have the perfect lady just for you. Our ladies are well-travelled and love the thrill of seeing new places with exciting clients like you. To book one of our lovely girls, you only need to go to our gallery and choose which takes your fancy. You can discuss your needs with one of our friendly English receptionists, who will guide you on which escort would be ideal for you.


What a miserable and wet day here in Mayfair, far from yesterday. The sun was shining and beautiful, but we were in England, I suppose. I did think about taking a trip down to Oxford Street to see my sister,r but the size of the raindrops falling into the puddles convinced me that staying indoors was a better option,

And what a good job too! I received an in-call from Marcus at 11.30 a.m. asking if I was at home as he desperately needed to see me, and I was all too eager to a) have the company and b, know his fetish for women’s shoes, have he come over and help me. Maybe he could persuade me to keep some and donate others to my auction. By the way, I’ve decided to do that on the last Friday of the month – the 27th – to allow for payday and credit card payments.

Marcus hot-footed over to me from Bayswater in a taxi. As he shook out his umbrella, he complained that the stormy weather was playing havoc with his bike riding. “I just don’t trust these London motorists”, he said as he bounded up the stairs to my apartment. “They’re absolute maniacs!” I tutted my sympathy, handed him a mug of my finest coffee and pointed him toward the cupboard.

Honestly, you’d have thought all Marcus’s birthdays had come at once. He dropped to his knees and fell upon the boxes of heels, boots and pumps like a man dying of thirst on the banks of an oasis in the desert. I hardly got a word out of him for ten solid minutes.

Between us, we caressed and licked (Marcus), sorted and stacked (me) the contents of my shoe cupboard in readiness for the auction. We managed to weed out the ones I wear from the ones I definitely would never again, and I let Marcus keep a couple of pairs for the odd lonely night. In return, he told me to grab my coat as it was past lunchtime, and he wanted to treat me to “something delicious” from a celebrity restaurant. Armed with my Burberry Mac and designer umbrella, how could I possibly refuse? I’m a very lucky escort 😉


I love going to the races. Something is exciting about Royal Ascot and Ladies Day (I have tickets this year for 21st June!) in a wide-brimmed-hat-and-suede-shoes kind of way. Half the fun (apart from betting) is celebrity spotting and seeing who came the best and worst dressed. The tabloids can’t possibly love it half as much as I do.

Tomorrow, I am off to Epsom in Surrey for a private hospitality event. I’m being chauffeured there and back by Clive, my well-to-do horsey friend. Clive and his friends breed thoroughbred racehorses and race them publicly and privately for vast sums of money. Put it this way: I couldn’t put a “tenner on each way” in that circuit.

Clive and I met at Newmarket last August. I was sipping Pimms with a group of fellow 24-hour Companions. We weren’t drawing attention to ourselves in any way, but, as if magic, the waiter came over and presented us with three bottles of champagne. As we followed his gaze across the room, we spotted a group of gentlemen (a direct ratio of them to us) laughing and joking together. One of them raised a glass to us, and we waved gaily back. Within ten minutes, we chatted away like old friends and went to dinner with them back in London at Wild Honey on St George’s Street.

Each of us was spoilt rotten, and Clive seemed to take a shine to me. Although we don’t spend a lot of time together, if he needs a dazzling brunette on his arm for an event, I get a call. In the interim, I learned a few horse-racing terms and tips that put me in good stead should anyone ever question me. It’s all about learning, you see?

With my well-educated client, I am sure to put on a few bets that will come up trumps for me, and Clive certainly knows that he has a certain chance with me.

So if you needed a special girl in London to go to the races with you, our ladies certainly know how to dress in their finery, which will never look out of place; they will turn heads with their beauty and sophistication and maybe give you some luck at the races?