
So, Monday again. A new working week and a new month in my diary for summer pursuits. Although the catwalks have been sporting their summer range since the sales began, I have only started looking at them carefully while shopping. My reluctance can only be attributed to the up-and-downers of good old blighty weather. To flip-flop or not to flip-flop? That has been the question. Give me continuity any day.

I wanted to save at least five days this month for trips abroad; I have been withdrawing from my passport. One of my favourite fellow London companions, Amanda, has just returned from Milan with a suitcase full of Manolo’s. I almost threw up when I realised she had my much-coveted purple shoe-boots with the red velvet shoe laces. Sadly, my feet are smaller than hers, and I couldn’t justify the price before my following statement on my MasterCard. I could have been swayed when she mentioned they come in red and grey, but the angel on my left sucker-punched the devil on my right shoulder.

I love to look current and unique but still in keeping with all the trends. It would be a complete disaster if I turned up to a date where another lady at a top-class restaurant was wearing the same Prada dress as me. I have expensive taste but like to shake it up by combining my unique dress sense, which I know nobody else will be wearing. I may be headed, but I think I can always pull it off – my figure is fantastic, and I love to show it off – ever so classy, I may add!! I care for my body by working hard at the gym and eating organic food. After all, my body is my business, and I want it to last.

So, with a free (but rapidly filling-up) month ahead and a brand new credit card statement to enjoy, I think I will face the summer months with a smile. As a 24-hour escort, you never know what might happen tomorrow!


I won’t lie… I wouldn’t say I like scary films. Something makes my brain work overtime, and I get carried away and lost in my “what if” fantasies or complete nightmares! I have always loved a good old-fashioned rom-com or sci-fi film. Nothing comes creeping out from behind you in your bathroom, and kids don’t suddenly become possessed and turn demonic as the sun goes down. I grew up in the leafy and child-friendly borough of Hampstead. I attended school with other generally lovely children and their parents, whom I know would never let them watch anything scarier than Count Duckula!!

Jeff is my client for the day and night, requesting the pleasure of his sexy blonde escort to give him some good old girlfriend experience, and has asked me to come over to his house in Belgravia to eat dinner and watch films. Jeff is a 40-something gazillionaire, and he most certainly likes all his mod cons: colossal plasma screen and surround sound. He has told me that he wants to play a real chivalrous man and woman in a relationship where said man and woman watch terrifying films, and the man looks after the woman as she nestles into his shoulder for protection. Bless him for wanting to wave his you-know-what around and hold me in his big, muscly arms, but I am quite frankly terrified. I told him this was a great idea and I would bring extra popcorn in my best enthusiastic tone. Still, inside, I was already screaming into my pillow at the mere thought of the fangs, creaking doors and candles being blown out by some genuinely horrifying unidentified thing.

I never refuse any challenge or date suggested by my clients, as you well know, but I can honestly say I was so close. Closer than the time Bob took me shopping outside of London on a high street with just a QS and a C&A knockoff shop. You can also imagine my disgust when he told me we were going out for dinner in the West End (cue me perking up) to be taken to a fast food job down a side street.

Okay, nothing will be as wrong as that… bring on the screams of terror…yikes!


One of the things I love about my job is the wide variety of men I meet.

It’s not all about the looks. It’s not always about the clothes or money. It’s sometimes about the brains, and a lot of the time, that is attractive in itself.

I enjoy talking about politics or the current economic crisis to exercise my brain. Some clients want to have dinner and drinks and discuss current affairs or business with the company of their chosen London escorts. The model looks and designer dresses couldn’t be further from their minds when they took me for a fantastic meal at one of London’s finest eateries. It’s only when we return to their luxury apartments or hotel suites that they want the topic of conversation to switch from intellect to innuendo.

It’s not so much a challenge for me to discuss the worries of the world. I’m an intelligent woman, and, rarely, I don’t keep up to date with the news to understand what the world is up to of late, so this evening’s date with Patrick for dinner and a trip to the theatre will be a fabulous evening of canny discussions and topical debates. Patrick doesn’t want a cheap escort, so he chooses me.

Patrick, although broadly intelligent and prone to the occasional heated exchange, is very witty and great company. He does like me to look as model-perfect as I can with feminine beauty and subtle girly flirting but also to give him a genuine, unscripted run for his money.

Patrick is an intelligent and successful businessman. He is a multi-millionaire and is only based in London once or twice every six months due to his unbelievably busy schedule, flying to Hong Kong and Dubai immediately to expand his ever-growing empire. But when he is lucky enough to have some “me-time”, he never forgets to give me a call to relax. Even if he requests my company to go shopping or to have lunch, we always end up in a friendly debate but always manage to put those differences to the side when we come together to be very agreeable in his beautiful London home.

So, for me, it’s not about the classic Chanel separates and hair tied in a bun, glasses on the end of my nose ensemble to look intelligent. I know I can dress to impress and still hold my own in a mind battle.

I am acutely aware that my model looks to wow my date, but when it’s required. I can be beautiful with what’s inside my perfectly plucked, dyed and made-up head, too.


As spring is here (well, sometimes it looks as though it is), the days are getting longer, the sun is peeking through, and people, in general, seem happier. My beautiful apartment looks out to see hoards of people in their gorgeous attire heading for Saville Row and Bond Street for the newest season trends, and on most days, I am running along with them. Oh, how I love to walk down the best shopping areas in the search of expanding my already brimming wardrobe.

Of course, it’s not all for my pleasure (that’s what I have to keep reminding my bank balance). Being a model and having the figure to pull off most fashions, I do have to stay current for my clientele. When most of my clients are very wealthy and influential business people, they do know what is up to date and what isn’t, so they do know if an escort in London is bang on trend or not.

You may think this is tiring and time-consuming being a 24-hour escort…oh no, it isn’t. It is no hassle to go to the hairdresser every week to keep my brunette locks looking lush, nor is it a real dilemma to visit my beauty therapist once every two weeks for the essential waxing, plucking and the like. So what if my spare time is focused on looking fantastic or checking out the hippest London restaurants, bars and clubs? I would put the same amount of dedication into any job I do.

Today, I am taking Aswad for afternoon tea in the Savoy Hotel. Being of African descent and not a frequent traveller to the UK, Aswad told me of his desire to get a taste of London (the city, not me…until later), so as cliché as it sounds, I am all for taking him to see London my way; afternoon tea, chauffer driven round the best sights and then back to my fabulous apartment to treat him to an absolute London delight.

Aswad did tell me that despite his original origins, he did not want to hold back on his escort experience, and I was to give him exactly what his money was paying for. Being a very wealthy businessman, I did want to provide him with a great time and a blooming, classy one, too! So, with my motto being “always give the client what they want…and then some”, I did go out of my way to purchase the finest lingerie and clothes for this gorgeous man’s arrival.

It’s not what you think. It’s not excessive or unnecessary shopping…it’s all in the name of research, right?


You would think I’d never be lonely or have the ability to remember everyone’s names, given the number of people I socialise with within a week. You’d be wrong. I have some clients who are a one-hit-wonder, a flash in the pan. And then there are my regulars who see me on a specific day or week of the month and treat me as they would a long-distance girlfriend. These are the ones I miss and the ones I organise my life around. And one of these gentlemen is Jake.

Jake is American and flies over every month from Chicago. He owns 50% of a web design company that has a studio on each side of the Atlantic, and he takes it in turn with his business partner to fly out every two weeks – which is where I come in. On roughly the 1st and 15th of the month, I get the girlfriend treatment. Jake and I spend one of the days as an in-call (my apartment usually) catching up, dining on take-out and re-familiarising ourselves until the wee hours. The other day is a proper date – we go into The West End, catch a show and dine late into the evening on Steak and Chips in Leicester Square. I always make sure I wear a skirt and heels as Jake prefers the feminine look on women, and jeans don’t do it for him. I came to realise this during a rather emotional solo in Les Miserables a few months back – except Jake’s hand had snaked under my hem, but his eyes were straight ahead!

So anyway – it dawned on me I would be seeing Jake next Thursday, which is a few days earlier than it is usually. Which also made me wonder what I could do to wind him up between now and then. There’s no point in writing him a letter or texting him – but Skype allows for video calling, and I did have a brand new set of lingerie that had come from La Perla’s Vintage Limited range. I know I know, I said I wouldn’t put any more tiny bras and knickers into my underwear drawer… but they were begging me to buy them, and all that black lace came with a matching shrug. It would have been criminal to refuse.

So I sent Jake an email telling him to meet me on Skype at 10 pm GMT (allowing for the six hours time difference), arranged myself on my bed, hair over my shoulders and told him, “I hope you realise what you’re missing…” That man didn’t know what hit him. Thank goodness we were alone on our computers, and he had blinds in his office because things got pretty steamy after that, and I retired to bed with a naughty grin on my face. Poor Jake had to finish a day’s work distracted beyond anything (he said) he had known before.

So now I’m looking forward to our subsequent encounter and I think I’ll meet him at Heathrow Airport as a surprise. It may be a professional relationship when you strip it back, but there’s nothing quite like mixing business with pleasure.