
For most men, having two young ladies all to themselves has to be the ultimate fantasy, and unfortunately for most, it always remains just that. Still, here at our 24-hour London escort agency, we can make that fantasy a reality. Boasting about your fun and excitement with a double delight experience would make you a legend at work, at Uni or even down your local pub. You’d be the absolute envy of every other man alive. It would also be a memory that would last you the rest of your life. Just think, every night you drift off to sleep, you could imagine that magical moment. We bet you’d undoubtedly fall asleep with a smile on your face.

When you book a pair of gorgeous escorts from our London escort agency, you get double the amount of everything you love about our girls. Double the delectable derriere, double the voluptuous curves, double the beauty and most importantly, double the fun. If you’ve always thought that three’s a crowd, you need to change that way of thinking and realise that this is the crowd you want and need to be in.

Making it happen is easy, too, when you come to us here at 24hr Companions Escorts. All you need to do is have a quick chat with one of our team to find out which ladies are available and which ones enjoy working together. Some of our escorts in London are bisexual, too, so they’ll enjoy flirting with each other just as much they want to flirt with you, which we know you’ll love to watch. When you meet with two girls, you’ll get to pick the best of both worlds, too. For instance, if you like blondes and redheads, then you can enjoy one of each; likewise, if you love a busty woman just as much as the athletic type, then you can have both. Often, our clients find the most challenging bit is choosing just the one from our gallery of stunning women, but when you enjoy two, you never have that problem.

If you think you’d like to hire two of our gorgeous ladies, then don’t hesitate any longer. You can rest assured that the escorts you’ll be hiring will be friendly, professional and absolute experts at what they do, which means your experience will be the most memorable you’ll ever make. What’s better than having your little private party? Call now or click the link and watch the most eye-opening night of your life unfold right before you.


We will discuss how you can make sure that the girl you choose is the right one and that she is a pleasure to be with so that your abroad experience is a memorable one. Please remember that if this is an escort you would like to spend a significant amount of time with, you will have the final say.

If you are looking to book an escort to travel from London to your destination, you will want to ensure that you make the right decision before asking the said escort to travel all that way. You could be somewhere in Europe or Singapore; either way, you want to not only be pleased with your decision but to be overwhelmed when the elite escort walks through the door.

Firstly, look at the clothes or lingerie she wears in her portfolio. Does she mix it up with different colours and styles? For example, an evening dress and casual or does she stick to lingerie? Although she does not indicate if she would or would not make a good travel partner, you can get an idea of whether or not she would be interested in the holiday you are planning. If she mixes up her outfits and can make baggy jeans look hot, this elite escort likes to be outdoors to explore and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty. If all her photos are top-of-the-range lingerie, she may be the acceptable dining type of escort who prefers to chat, sip wine and massage all night long. This may suit you if you plan on working during the day but visiting the elite escort during the evening in the hotel. She may wear bikinis in her photos, which indicate she loves hot weather, so stay out with her all day on the beach and all night for non-stop adventure.

The second is the profile. The descriptions below the pictures of the escorts are written for a reason, which is why you should read them carefully. 24-hour Companion’s reports are not fabricated. The beautiful models meet us, and they tell her what things they enjoy, their background history and what their do’s and don’ts are. The last thing you want is to invite an escort to Switzerland only to find out she cannot ski.

The last thing is to ask the receptionist. She is familiar with the escorts and, having had a brief discussion with you, should be able to recommend who she thinks would be a good choice. You may be torn between three profiles, and this is where the agency that knows their girls and their personalities can help you. They have seen the girls and what they look like in real life, and they want to ensure that you have a fantastic time abroad. Our policy at 24hr Companions is to take on beautiful escorts with sparkling personalities.


Several 24-hour London escorts like to travel nationally, and indeed internationally in many cases. You will find that our girls are the best ones to book for travel companions simply because they’re the best. You could go off to another agency and book a cheaper London escort, but we’re betting that you wouldn’t feel nearly as comfortable with them. Or, as a worst-case scenario, they wouldn’t feel comfortable travelling. You see, some escorts want to work so bad that they’ll tell you it’s okay, but when it comes down to it, they may be nervous and unwilling (to travel, that is!) There’s nothing worse than sitting with someone in a car, on a train or plane, and not knowing what to say to them!

The conversation doesn’t dry up with 24hr Companions.

It never has and never will in our minds. Every piece of feedback we’ve ever had regarding the high-class companions at 24hr Companions has always been about how bright and chatty our girls are. We wouldn’t entertain any girls who couldn’t hold down a conversation. What’s the point in advertising “escort” services if the people you’re putting your clients in touch with can’t communicate to a high enough standard?

That said, although we claim that all the London escorts we represent are in this higher class, not everyone is suitable for travelling. Some girls don’t want to. They may have familial matters in London they need to be around for, or they may have another job or career they need to keep attending. Not everyone can drop everything at the drop of a hat.

The very best thing to do is to find a selection of 247 escorts that you like and then call us to find out if they travel. Quite a few have already, and we’ve had excellent reports about the bookings.


The allure of a sultry brunette can only be described as mystifying. Seen as sensual, intelligent and sumptuous, with a brunette escort on your arm, it will make you the talk of London. With her long, shiny hair groomed to perfection, how could you resist? The only problem you have now is to decide whether to choose raven-haired or rich chestnut tresses of an English rose. You could be extravagant and have a few brunettes, or you could let 24-hour Companions decide, as we are very good at picking the right choice. That is why we are one of the leading escort agencies in London because of our client’s interests.

June is the brunette you should see, as well as lots of other beautiful brunettes, but we thought we’d give you a little taster. With her unique Italian good looks and naughty nature, it is no wonder she is one of the favourite brunettes we have on our books. June loves to be taken out, and it is no wonder that she turns 360 degrees.

Okay, we’ll tell you another one – seeing as June was so tempting!! Now Carina is another beautiful brunette, at 25 and an impressive 36FF-26-36 sexy lady based in Kensington. She seems to have it all: good looks, womanly curves, and, above all, a genuinely seductive lady who will make you return for more.

If you want to see more of our 24-hour Companions brunettes, you must look at yourself. You will find a whole array of delightful ladies whose pictures will be jaw-dropping, and yes, they are the same ladies in our galleries who will be knocking on your hotel door, or you can go to see them. Trust us, they are even more beautiful in the flesh.

24-hour Companions works hard to ensure that we have the best ladies in our agency; by the best, we mean good looks and great bodies, but we also mean courteous, kind, generous and intelligent. We have a review system that helps us know which ladies are indeed the best, but it’s all down to the individual client, as what may float your boat may not float somebody else’s. So if you need help to find your perfect match, 24-hour Companions can always recommend the most suited to you.

So, how do you book these fabulous ladies? That is the easy part. Once you have looked through the galleries and selected the girl of your dreams, call us. We have escorts 24hrs of a day, so there will always be a chance to see one of our lovely ladies.


Every man working in some office looks up to Friday evenings when they can finally get time off from the office and kick start the weekend to rejuvenate themselves. So, Friday nights are party nights, and there is no better way to spice up your Friday night than by hiring an overnight escort. You can visit the website, look at our gallery, and choose your staff from an array of beautiful girls available.

You can take along your escort to any of the happening parties in London or choose to book a hotel room for your private party. For parties with other guests, our 24hr escorts become the perfect arm candy with their stylish dressing sense, sexy body and elegant body language. People will surely envy you, and it won’t take you much longer to become the party’s highlight.

24-hour Companions are famous for their highest level of client satisfaction. They can cross all boundaries to ensure you get to party hard in your chosen ways. So select your escort wisely and get ready to be at your erotic best to party hard and make your Friday night worth remembering.

For private parties, it is better to specify your requirements in advance so that these escorts can prepare well and take you on an erotic journey beyond your imagination.

So, hire an escort today to make your Friday night a rocking one!!