
I love going to the races. Something is exciting about Royal Ascot and Ladies Day (I have tickets this year for 21st June!) in a wide-brimmed-hat-and-suede-shoes kind of way. Half the fun (apart from betting) is celebrity spotting and seeing who came the best and worst dressed. The tabloids can’t possibly love it half as much as I do.

Tomorrow, I am off to Epsom in Surrey for a private hospitality event. I’m being chauffeured there and back by Clive, my well-to-do horsey friend. Clive and his friends breed thoroughbred racehorses and race them publicly and privately for vast sums of money. Put it this way: I couldn’t put a “tenner on each way” in that circuit.

Clive and I met at Newmarket last August. I was sipping Pimms with a group of fellow 24-hour Companions. We weren’t drawing attention to ourselves in any way, but, as if magic, the waiter came over and presented us with three bottles of champagne. As we followed his gaze across the room, we spotted a group of gentlemen (a direct ratio of them to us) laughing and joking together. One of them raised a glass to us, and we waved gaily back. Within ten minutes, we chatted away like old friends and went to dinner with them back in London at Wild Honey on St George’s Street.

Each of us was spoilt rotten, and Clive seemed to take a shine to me. Although we don’t spend a lot of time together, if he needs a dazzling brunette on his arm for an event, I get a call. In the interim, I learned a few horse-racing terms and tips that put me in good stead should anyone ever question me. It’s all about learning, you see?

With my well-educated client, I am sure to put on a few bets that will come up trumps for me, and Clive certainly knows that he has a certain chance with me.

So if you needed a special girl in London to go to the races with you, our ladies certainly know how to dress in their finery, which will never look out of place; they will turn heads with their beauty and sophistication and maybe give you some luck at the races?


The most important part of the 24-hour Companions experience is to make every gentleman client feel as though he is your “One and Only”. Whether I am an in-call or out-call escort, the finer details have already been sharpened so the date is perfect, and I’m in control of his satisfaction.

I take special pride in my work, and I revere repeat business, so to me, it is vitally important that my London clients leave smiling. You may find this strange, you might not, but my Filofax has a special section reserved just for date history. I wrote their name, age and contact details down, where we went and what he wanted me to wear. Next comes his preferences: is he straight or kinky? Does he like me to participate in role-play, or are we sightseeing in London? At the bottom, in small letters, I write his budget. I ensure I know exactly what he wants to spend because embarrassing him is a big no-no. Remember, he is paying for my company and time; I want him to be delighted with his purchase.

Tailor making a date is a fine art that I have learned to perfect. Of course, I’ve made mistakes (who hasn’t?), but being the professional girl I am, I’m always able to smooth things over. I know my Marble Arch from my Belgravia and my Kensington from my Knightsbridge- believe me, I’ve told black cab drivers enough shortcuts to drive myself around! We cover all areas of London 24 hours a day.

One thing I always have to be aware of is that even though I think I have the measure of a client, the goalposts can move at any time. He might go off on a curious tangent and want me to do something totally out of the ordinary and unexpected. I have a variety of wigs, outfits and dark glasses for role play, and I’ve always got another good escort friend to call on should the date become a menage a trois. Nothing shocks me much these days, but they can undoubtedly surprise me.

So, what am I up to today? Well, I have a brand new client at midday for lunch in Leicester Square and then an hour getting to know each other. He told me on the phone that he had never done this before and was a little nervous. I assured him there was no pressure and that the date was his to enjoy. So we decided to keep things low-key, both of us in jeans, and hopefully, he’ll realise what a great time he can have with a bubbly, intelligent woman – who happens to be a top escort!

You needn’t worry about booking an elite lady at 24-hour Companions as they have it all covered; they don’t just ‘turn up’. They put a little thought into their dates, so if you’ve ever been curious, now is the time to book your tailor-made lady through London’s best escort agency.


Do I believe in ghosts? No, not really, but I have a date for this weekend who would have me think otherwise.

I was more than surprised to have my services utilised by a, for want of a better word, Geek. Simon lives in South-West London, just outside of Earls Court. Vocation: Ghost Chaser. He says he wants to do this full-time rather than an insurance broker for Swiss Re in The Gherkin building. I was more impressed by his day job than the prospect of hunting headless spirits, but it’s not my date to criticise. Simon said I will understand more when I’m there. Wherever “there” is…

I wondered how a Paddington escort could be linked to ghost hunting. Then, my mind began to wander. Could he be one of those men turned on by randy ghosts? So, of course, my curiosity peaked somewhat. I had to do a little googling.

There is such a thing as a Succubus – a female demon appearing in dreams who takes the form of a human woman to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse. Brilliant… you know I will be one of those in the afterlife! And then there’s an Incubus that is its male counterpart. According to several mythological and legendary traditions, an Incubus lies upon sleepers, especially women, to have intercourse with them. Some ghosts have all the luck.

Of course, you also hear about ghosts having sex with mortals to satisfy themselves in the afterlife. I’m not sure how I feel about that; if it happened to me, I think I’d run from the room screaming [how funny that most of these ‘victims’ went along with it!]

So we will see what Simon has in store for me when I see him at the weekend. Knowing my luck, we’ll end up in the oldest part of the East End, chasing the ghosts of Pearly Kings and Queens in the cold, and being a West End escort, I don’t know the East too well. If he gets me to chant or pray in weird places, I’m going home – period.

So, if you have anything ‘out of this world ‘you want to experience, our girls may consider it. – We have some very open-minded ladies here at 24hr Companions, and as long as you let the receptionist know what you had in mind, we are sure that we will find the right girl for you to make your experience memorable. Give us a call day or night; we are always here to answer your call…


You would think I’d never be lonely or have the ability to remember everyone’s names, given the number of people I socialise with within a week. You’d be wrong. I have some clients who are a one-hit-wonder, a flash in the pan. And then there are my regulars who see me on a specific day or week of the month and treat me as they would a long-distance girlfriend. These are the ones I miss and the ones I organise my life around. And one of these gentlemen is Jake.

Jake is American and flies over every month from Chicago. He owns 50% of a web design company that has a studio on each side of the Atlantic, and he takes it in turn with his business partner to fly out every two weeks – which is where I come in. On roughly the 1st and 15th of the month, I get the girlfriend treatment. Jake and I spend one of the days as an in-call (my apartment usually) catching up, dining on take-out and re-familiarising ourselves until the wee hours. The other day is a proper date – we go into The West End, catch a show and dine late into the evening on Steak and Chips in Leicester Square. I always make sure I wear a skirt and heels as Jake prefers the feminine look on women, and jeans don’t do it for him. I came to realise this during a rather emotional solo in Les Miserables a few months back – except Jake’s hand had snaked under my hem, but his eyes were straight ahead!

So anyway – it dawned on me I would be seeing Jake next Thursday, which is a few days earlier than it is usually. Which also made me wonder what I could do to wind him up between now and then. There’s no point in writing him a letter or texting him – but Skype allows for video calling, and I did have a brand new set of lingerie that had come from La Perla’s Vintage Limited range. I know I know, I said I wouldn’t put any more tiny bras and knickers into my underwear drawer… but they were begging me to buy them, and all that black lace came with a matching shrug. It would have been criminal to refuse.

So I sent Jake an email telling him to meet me on Skype at 10 pm GMT (allowing for the six hours time difference), arranged myself on my bed, hair over my shoulders and told him, “I hope you realise what you’re missing…” That man didn’t know what hit him. Thank goodness we were alone on our computers, and he had blinds in his office because things got pretty steamy after that, and I retired to bed with a naughty grin on my face. Poor Jake had to finish a day’s work distracted beyond anything (he said) he had known before.

So now I’m looking forward to our subsequent encounter and I think I’ll meet him at Heathrow Airport as a surprise. It may be a professional relationship when you strip it back, but there’s nothing quite like mixing business with pleasure.


When you have regular clients who need to re-book you for specific functions, you have to keep on your toes and bring change into the ‘relationship’ more than ever. I always attend Scott’s work/family/social arrangements as his girlfriend, but to keep the booking, I have to keep him interested just as you would in an actual relationship. This is why I’m single. These things are hard work.

Scott is a 40-something gazillionaire who loves to keep up appearances. He lets his staff run his hotel empire and reaps the rewards by holidaying on his private island, lounging in his luxury mansion in Hampstead and shopping in New York for the afternoon. He uses me as his long-term girlfriend stand-in. In reality, he has no interest in making a relationship with someone he doesn’t know and who may only be after his money.

In my mind, it’s classic real commitment issues, but what do I know? I’m a London escort, not a psychologist! So, he takes me to work functions, family weddings, press nights, and the works, but he also brings me shopping to cater to such arrangements, and that’s why, to keep this gig, I need to up my game.

As you know, I’m a very proud brunette, but when he mentions that he finds a particular blonde celebrity attractive, I crack out my favourite Barbie wig and act out any fantasy he wants. He loves the fact that he doesn’t even have to ask. Sometimes, when you spend a lot of time with a client, you do pick up on certain things. Whether they like olives, whether they prefer Gucci to Dior, whether they book a hotel more in Mayfair than in Knightsbridge and whether they respond in pleasure at being tickled just under the…

With Scott, we have a great partnership. I have even wrapped his very protective Mother around my little finger. Little does she know that boy is having a faux relationship with a top call girl! We have learned to walk in time with one another, laugh at the same things and finish each other’s sentences. We have been on many dinner and drink dates to get to know each other in such a way.

What can I say? I’m a dedicated woman.