
If you’ve booked your in-call or out-call escort for the whole day, you might wonder how to fill your time. While we’re sure most of you have plenty of ideas, sometimes it’s nice to leave the confines of your escort’s apartment or your hotel room and see what the great city of London has to offer. All our sexy London escorts love to be invited to accompany their clients to the theatre, cinema and even a football match. However, one invite which will get all escorts excited and ready for action is an invitation to go shopping with you.

Of course,e we don’t mean that you should ask your escort companion to accompany you while you purchase a new shirt or a present for your wife, although maybe if that present was a new luxury sports car, she might enjoy the ride. No, the shopping we’re talking about here is shopping for your escort. In all our years running our agency in London, we’ve learned a few things about our escort girls. They all love to shop. They love shopping almost as much as providing escort services in London to guys like you. So when you make a longer booking with one of our ladies, whether you’ve chosen to meet with one of our Paddington escorts or one of our Piccadilly escorts, why not treat her to a trip around the shops of the West End? We’re sure she will be grateful and show her appreciation in all kinds of naughty ways.

So, where should you start? One little piece of advice. Forget about window shopping. If you’ve promised your sexy escort a shopping trip, be prepared to put your hand in your wallet or at least on your credit card and treat her to something nice.

Now we’ve got that straight – your first port of call could be one of the high-class shoe shops. No escort can resist the lure of new shoes. Look at our gallery of ladies and check out the fantastic array of shoes worn by our gorgeous London escort girls, and you can see that a sexy pair of shoes will be high on any escort’s shopping list. Now’s your chance to get in your escort girl’s good books right from the start and offer to add to her shoe collection. Most escort girls love ultra-high, sexy shoes, as they’re the perfect accompaniment to the sexy outfits they wear for their in-call and out-call appointments. Plus, they make their legs appear longer, and that’s always a good thing.

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Today, there are many escort agencies in London, many on the Internet. The number of agencies today has grown tenfold. But which ones should you choose? People are looking for escort services more often than they used to before.

Not every gentleman receives excellent service; many are hurried and poorly treated. Others think they are booking the escort in the photograph, but in reality, it is an entirely different lady. Most gentlemen are too embarrassed to complain and put it down to experience and never want to book again.

Our escort agency is a little different. We have many satisfied customers, and they use our time repeatedly because they always receive exemplary service and wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else.

Our ladies are always kind, intelligent, young, beautiful and independent, whose presence can create magic in anyone’s life. When you meet them, you will be amazed by their amazingly friendly attitudes. It will seem that you have known each other for ages. A simple moment will turn out to be extraordinary in her company.

The city of London is lovely, and this beauty is reflected in our girls of London, too. When you book one of our ladies, you pick up a well-trained beauty in her profession. She is well aware of the job she has to perform, and client satisfaction is her primary focus. After your first meeting with your escort, you will be able to discover your happy soul and evolve as a much-contented individual on the whole.


You might be wondering where many of our girls here at our agency come from. I don’t mean destination-wise, but rather what they did before they got into escorting in London.

Well you might be surprised at the diverse range of backgrounds we all have here. Contrary to popular opinion, we’re not all students. Granted, some of us are – some girls have joined us while studying to pay for their ridiculously high tuition fees.

Other girls come from modelling backgrounds. There are at least a handful of girls here who have been lingerie models in the past. You may wonder why they would turn their back on what’s perceived as a glamorous career, but chatting with the girls doesn’t seem that way when you hear about the cold hours they had to spend standing around on windswept beaches.

And no, they didn’t always get to keep the costumes, unfortunately. Sure, some of the big design houses, such as Prada, didn’t mind, but lower down the scale, they had to hand everything back – just like many jobs these days, the perks were disappearing, but the goose pimples weren’t.

We have a girl here at our escort agency who worked as a personal trainer but got fed up with the long hours for little compensation – especially when she looked at the lives some of her celeb clients had. Rightly, she wanted some luxury and time in her life, too. Who can blame her?

You might find it difficult to believe, but another girl was an RE teacher! She got fed up with the profession when she lost her faith. She now loves working as an escort in London, and her quality of life has increased enormously because she doesn’t have to put up with rowdy kids giving her cheek all day.

She was a bit apprehensive about some of the clients at first, but now she loves the respect she gets from them – indeed, 100 times more than she ever did with the teenagers she had to put up with day in and day out.

And the rest? Well, we have a couple of make-up artists who are extremely popular with the other girls here since they’re so skilled at their craft, a nurse and a couple of married women keen on making their own money rather than asking their husbands all the time. Who can blame them?


The great thing about being a woman is that you get much more freedom with your appearance than men.

What we mean by that is that women can use clothes, hair colour, hairstyle and make-up to radically change what they look like, depending on what mood they are in. Of course, men can change their appearance and wear make-up if they want, but our society tends to frown on such things.

Ladies, such as those working for our London escort agency, tend to be very beautiful – but can change their appearance if they want. We have a few blonde ladies, for instance,e because they believe blondes have more fun.

It was fun, and some gentlemen preferred blonde escorts. But at the end of the day, if they are a natural brunette, they sometimes want their collar and cuffs to match once more,e so they have reverted to their original hair – long, thick and very dark.

Many women are too scared to cut their hair – and the beauty of being a lady is that there are so many expensive wigs on the market that ladies can try out before they decide to make it permanent. If the gentleman that evening has requested a lady with short hair, then nothing could be simpler than putting on a fantastic, quick, sexy wig.

Make-up can differ according to dates accordingly, too. A private encounter should have a different make-up than a dinner date. So for intimate encounters, our girls have natural make-up – a little light dusting of powder to take the shine off, a small amount of mascara and a little bit of lip gloss, and they are good to go.

Our ladies like to push the boat out for dinner dates, though. They want to use bold make-up for those kinds of dates. Not the kind of make-up which makes you look like a drag queen or as if you are competing on Strictly Come Dancing, but bolder eye shadows and a red lip always work well for them.

And finally, there are clothes. Our escorts are followers of fashion and love picking out the best of the new season’s clothing for their dates. They always pick out the items that will best match their date – so it might be something vampy for a dinner date or something a bit more girl next door for a quieter date, or it could be something very sensual and elegant for a party.

So, do you see what we mean about women and our chameleon choices? Girl next door, vamp or just fashionable early 20-something, our ladies get to choose every day who they want to be.


What most women want is to feel special – to feel unique, to feel cherished. And that is the same for our London escorts too. Yes, you are paying for her time, but she still wants to feel like you like her and believe she is special.

In normal relationships, a   man should always take the opportunity to remind his wife or girlfriend of how special she is. Try not to let sex become routine. I know it’s easy to let sex slip by the wayside when you have the realities of everyday life and are tired, but it is worth trying rather than thinking you can keep putting it off.

Put it off for one day, then it runs into a week, a month – and time flies past.

Compliments are a good idea, too. It is easy to assume your partner knows you love her, think she is sexy or that she made you a great meal. But women like reinforcement, and a compliment is a gift. If you keep your thoughts to yourself, you are stingy with kills; if you have been in a relationship for a while, your conversation can dry up – or it can become too focused on the domestic details – you know t, kind of thing I mean. DiscuDiscussions are about what you will have for dinner that night, howhowds are doing at school and whose turn it is to take the bins out.

Instead, why not have conversations about your hopes and your dreams? Ask about books she has read recently and why she enjoyed them. Discuss each other’s childhood and find out what she wants to do.

Women like to think effort has gone into something, too, but if you are taking a woman out on a date, imagination is a beautiful thing. It might be easy enough to book a table at a restaurant, but what if you take the time and trouble to find out what restaurant your date has been dying to visit? Why don’t you see if you can arrange for the chef to come out and talk to her to ask what she thinks of the food? Or why not see if you can book her at a newly opened place?

Another idea for originality is to join her in one of her hobbies. Maybe you hate the opera, but she goes regularly with a girlfriend. Go along for once and find out why she loves it.

There you go – my guide to what women want! And next time, I’ll share what women want in bed…