
In 1965, the original architecturally-looking English building was reconstructed as a Swiss chalet or cottage. Today, the building hosts a pub called the Ye Olde Swiss Cottage. Close to Regents Park, the area is bisected by St. Johns Wood, Hampstead, West Hampstead and Primrose Hill.

Swiss Cottage was originally a farmhouse’s dairy built between 1803 and 1804, when the surrounding area was in the countryside, outside of London. It then became a public house called The Swiss Tavern as the city limits expanded in the early 19th Century, the name possibly coming from a contemporary opera.

But who knew that north London could be so much fun? With London Zoo and Madame Tussauds right on its doorstep, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know the witty and adventurous side of your chosen 24-hour Companions escort as she poses with “celebrities” or takes your hand for a stroll around the exhibitions in both attractions. Baker Street tube station is close to Swiss Cottage, and you can find fantastic beauties there.

Lovely Petra would be the perfect date for a day or night in Swiss Cottage. If you’re looking for that ultimate touch of class and style combined with a sparkle of joy, you have just found your match. Petra has a great personality and impeccable manners, and she is lots of fun. We have many conveniently located escorts, so if you want to visit somebody, you can be sure somebody is always very close to you. Or if you wish the lady of your choice to come to you, you can be sure that they will be with you no longer than 30 minutes.

For the ultimate Girlfriend Experience with lots of laughter, call us now. We can match you with Petra (or any of the many girls we have in our gallery) as soon as she is available. If your chosen lady isn’t available for that particular day – trust our staff to match you with a similar lady. We are experts at knowing just what our male clients want. Our escort agency is open 24hrs, and we are sure to find the perfect match for you.


Every good escort in London knows that to make the most of their profession, they need to encourage clients to return to them again and again, and they do this by giving you top-class service and getting to know precisely what you like.

With so many London escort agencies to choose from, each promoting a gorgeous array of fabulous escorts, are there any benefits of using one particular 24 hour escort agency regularly?

If you meet with a minimal number of escorts or just one in particular, you’ll find that the more meetings you have, the more personal the panels will get. That’s not to say that your escort will start prying into your private life (unless you’re happy to share those details), but rather that they’ll get to know your particular preferences.

One distinct advantage of using the same London escort agency each time you meet with an escort is that the agency will get to know you as a ‘regular’. You’ll find that this is very useful if you’re starting to polarise to a small number of escorts as your preferred choice of dates. The more you use an escort agency, the more they get to know you. The reception staff will learn your likes and dislikes. It will be far better equipped to offer recommendations for other London escort girls should your first choice be unavailable for any particular reason. For example, say you prefer busty blonde escorts, but your usual lady of choice is sick; our receptionists can give you invaluable advice on which of our other blonde busty escorts in your area are likely to be to your liking. Plus, should any new females who meet your criteria come onto our books, they’ll be able to give you a little advance notice so you can get one of the first clients to arrange a meeting with them.

As you can imagine, this can only happen over time with regular meetings, but as you spend more time together, you’ll soon find that your everyday escorts will learn what makes you tick, what you enjoy and your favourite way to spend time together. In turn, this will lead your staff to tailor your meetings so that you get the maximum pleasure.


When you have booked a 24-hour Companions lady, you may wonder if you should come and spend an hour-long appointment, two, three or even overnight? As a 24-hour Companions escort, then, the longer your work is, the better it all is for the lady in a financial sense. However, it’s also better for you as a client. Why?

Well, for a start, you won’t always be conscious of the clock ticking away furiously and signalling the loss of all those precious minutes you have together. You’ll also be able to relax a little (actually, a lot) more. Not only that, but sometimes it takes a little while for clients to warm up and get into the vibe. Most of our ladies enjoy a longer appointment as they can let themselves go and concentrate totally on the evening – or afternoon – ahead.

After a couple of hours together, the conversation gets more intimate as you unwind more in each other’s company. Also, who wants to rush a dinner date? In that direction, does indigestion lie? And anyway, at the rate you get served in some of London’s more popular restaurants these days, you are probably looking at a good couple of hours. And imagine having to rush away after all that lovely intimate wining and dining. Cinderella thought she had it wrong? Try being a 24 hour escort who has only been booked for two hours!

Seriously though, our ladies do like clients to feel relaxed and unfazed, and that just isn’t going to happen during a one-hour appointment. You should leave our lady’s apartment feeling chilled and blissful, not running downstairs with your shirt half on.

Not that our girls would kick out a client after one hour when they are still lying half-dressed, of course. But we would both feel awkward knowing we were ‘out of time’. You would feel guilty, and our girls would probably be conscious that they had another client to meet up with later that night and needed time to prepare for them.


With today’s ever-changing economy, everyone is always trying to monitor their financial situation closely. Many more customers are increasingly spending time with and seeing affordable escorts to keep a little more money in their pockets and finances in the bank to protect that “nest egg” that everyone hopes for and has to look forward to. Affordable escorts in London make less money per hour from their services than expensive ones.

So, can affordable escorts make more money? It depends on the price difference between the two Escorts. If one Escort is £200 per hour and the other makes £600, or £800 or more per hour, it will be tough for the lower-paid lady to compete. If you are talking about £200 or possibly a little more of a difference in the pay per hour, it is possible that affordable ladies in London theoretically can make more money than a higher paid one… and as we all know, sometimes theories can be proved.

Due to the recent and continuing rise in the popularity of affordable ladies being booked, there is a possibility that there is a chance that cheap escorts in London may be able to make more money than a higher-paid one. Numerous foreseen and unforeseen factors will influence this. The staff herself is the main influencing factor; her appearance, her attitude and the services she provides are significant. All these are going to affect how busy she is, which in turn sets the amount of how much money she makes. If she does a good job, looks good and is always friendly, she will be much busier than a girl who costs much more money but provides less competent services.

Ultimately, affordable London escorts can make more money than expensive ones. They are considering that there is not too big of a difference in their hourly rates.


Many say that we live in a youth-obsessed culture, and to some extent, they are right; our celebrities, models and ideals of feminine beauty are getting younger by the day, and surgeries promising to reverse the ageing process are gaining in popularity (and more affordable than ever!) What does this say about our age preferences? Looking at all the elite London escort agencies, one can say that young models, as opposed to older ones, are in the mainstream. In other words, they appeal to more clients and are selected for their youthful beauty.

Whilst there are London escort agencies that represent mature escorts, youthful-looking escorts are indeed more popular with clients. There is a biological attraction to youthful-looking companions and a psychological one; young escorts are perceived to be more curious and adventurous in many aspects of their companionship. They are perceived to be more playful and spontaneous, whereas older escorts are perceived to be wiser and more experienced.

Whatever the reasons for preferring youthful London escorts, age is a massive factor for clients when they select a guardian. Some never bother with escorts under a certain age, and some only book student escorts between 19-25! If you are a client who prefers younger London escorts, then 24-hour Companions is just the right agency for you; here, we represent young models who are genuinely between the ages of 19 and 25. Sensual, open-minded and friendly, our 247 London escorts are not only youthful, they also possess the charm and personality to make your time spent with them memorable.