Male escorts are roughly divided into two categories – escorts for women and companions for men. Male escorts tend to be hired by men much more than women. Many wealthy men like to hire male escorts because it makes life simpler for them. They aren’t looking for or don’t have time for a relationship, but of course, from time to time, they feel.
Men love the visual, too, and male escorts can be good-looking. They often work out so they have well-developed pectorals and biceps, chiselled jaws, good skin and a full head of hair.
One of our Male escorts regularly parades in his apartment wearing nothing but a pair of Speedos and a smile. Well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, as the saying goes.
Then there are the male escorts who women hire. Often, wealthy women have the exact reasons for hiring an escort as men – they don’t have the time or inclination for a relationship. Many women like to hire male escorts for a date – they want to be accompanied to an event by a good-looking companion who will talk to them all night and pay them attention. If anything else happens, it’s a bonus…
Some male escorts say women are much more adept at spotting insincerity than men are. 24-hour Companions London escorts pride themselves on their sincerity. Of course, when you work as an escort, you do have to pay people compliments to make them relax, enjoy their experience and feel good about themselves. But we like to pick our compliments carefully, ensuring we mean what we say.
Our male escorts tell us that there is no point telling an overweight and not-very-attractive woman that she is lovely. An intelligent male escort focuses on something else – say, her beautiful eyes, her knowledge or her wit.