
When it comes to booking one of our more mature female escorts, there are a few different things you must first consider. These women are most certainly experienced and know their way around; on top of this, they’ve also grown used to the finer things in life. They may have never been escorted in their life before, but they know their way around a man, and that’s precisely why we’re representing them. On top of this, they’ll also be far more aware of what they like and don’t like, though clients have told us before that this has been a massive advantage for both parties involved.

When you speak to people about escorts in and around London, many believe the industry is filled with young and youthful girls, leaving room for nothing else. They may be beautiful, but if young doesn’t float your boat too much, then beauty doesn’t help. Here at 24hr Companions, we have a selection of women that might float that boat of yours, and we like to call them mature escorts. These girls have a vast amount of experience and adore spending quality time with the discerning gentlemen of London.

So the next thing you need to consider is what exactly you will do with your 24hr Companion escort of the mature variety. Hopefully, you’re a man who also enjoys the finer things in life and has chosen to spend his time in a nice hotel, perhaps even a suite somewhere. This is quite possibly the perfect surroundings for our young heart ladies, as they know all too well just how to conduct themselves with grace, style and most of all, discretion. This should immediately put you at ease and allow you to relax in time for a rather unforgettable evening.

Like any woman, however, our female escorts enjoy being wined and dined, so we suggest beginning the evening with a sumptuous meal somewhere. If you’re staying at an exceptionally high-quality hotel, there’ll no doubt be a fabulous restaurant to eat at in the hotel itself, which could make things a lot easier when you’re looking to stumble from your table into your luxurious queen-size bed. If you’re struggling to find anywhere, however, ask when booking your escort; we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction regarding fine dining.

If you’re looking to keep things simple, however, then you can, of course, have one of the best mature escorts London offers meet you straight at your hotel to share a nice bottle of champagne. The women you see on the pages of our more mature escorts are always happy to entertain in private; some prefer it because they don’t have to hold back in front of the public to show you just how much they’re enjoying themselves.

If our mature escorts sound appealing to you, then all you need to do is call today and book.


If you’ve never enjoyed the intimate and friendly excitement of spending a few hours with a 24-hour escort in London, then you may be a little nervous on your first visit, and that’s completely normal.

After one of our ladies encountered a client recently who was treating himself to a 24-hour Companions booking for the first time in his life –he was christening the whole London 24 hour escort experience – then our lady realised it may be time for such a post as this of how to act during your first encounter with one of our beautiful ladies.

Firstly, you may feel a little awkward when the door first opens to you or vice versa. The thing to do here is to take a drink when offered. If you are meeting in one of our lady’s apartments, be aware that they have an extremely well-stocked cocktail bar and can supply you with a range of tipples.

After 10 minutes or so of chatting, it may be recommended you experience the sensual delights of a sought-after massage. You’ll soon discover that there is no better way to relax than to feel fragrant and soft, warm hands pressed against your skin and slowly gliding over your neck, back and calves. You’ll have no inhibitions after that.

But it’s not only fingers that press your personal ‘relax at will’ button. For, at this point, the lights are usually dimmed; a few scented candles are lit, then switch on some soothing music too. You’ll probably gradually drift into some tranquil haven; indeed, any qualms and everyday worries will have long since packed their bags and left the room.

So, if you’re tempted after all that, why not give us a call?


24-hour Companion babes are an amiable lot, you know. What is meant by that is that although they enjoy the intimacy of a one-on-one encounter, we’re also very favourably disposed towards couples.

Most of our escorts available 24hrs in London enjoy watching the interaction between couples and appreciate that they can bring an additional frisson to their relationship. Despite still being in love and ridiculously fond of each other, it’s understandable that a couple will get bored with one another’s ways after spending so much time in each other’s pockets, as it were.

So, any new experience with another individual can liven up that relationship dynamic. Our lady’s intervention doesn’t have to be long-term, either. Often, couples come and go several times within a month, and then we never hear from them again for another 12 months. It’s when they reappear that we know the boredom with one another has begun to set in yet again. It’s our girl’s job to remind them what they do for one another and look at ways they could interest each other.

Our ladies seem to be a couple’s counsellor – although certainly, it’s a lot more exciting and fun – not to mention relaxing.

Couples massage is certainly something we are often asked for at 24hr Companions escorts. Now, that’s a bit like teaching. Our GFE escorts are experienced and know the spots to press and the areas of pleasure. They enjoy passing on this knowledge to clients keen to extol the virtues of massage to their other half.

Our ladies can show couples how best to present themselves to one another in ways that they have perhaps never considered before. Like many situations in life, sometimes all it takes is an independent arbitrator, for example, someone not emotionally involved, to see the problem as it is and to know without a doubt how a relationship can be improved and far more fulfilling for both parties.


The London life is what many young escorts in the city like to indulge in. It’s primarily one of affluence, luxury, fun and pure self-indulgence. The girls you see on our website are very well used to the finer things in life and not afraid to be seen out and about with their clients being entertained in The Dorchester or having dinner by Heston Blumenthal at The Mandarin Oriental. Our London ladies know London inside out, know the places to go and can conduct themselves discreetly and efficiently wherever they go.

Why is this, you might ask? It’s nothing much to do with the British girl being the favourite or anything like that; it goes a little more in-depth…

When considering London, you have to classify it as a multicultural city, like so many places worldwide. However, London is incredibly popular and affluent and provides opportunities for many industries. London is a buzzing place to be whether you’re working or playing there, and the balance between the two can be tailored to perfection if you have the time and the money to indulge. This is the reason why London escorts are widely considered to be the best in the world, simply because there are so many girls of international origin living the London life.

With this kind of experience comes some reward, of course, and the monetary gain that our ladies and so many other girls working in the Capital are afforded is often used to maintain that standard of living they have become so accustomed to. This is why you will always find girls at 24-hour escort agencies like ours dressed in only the best designer clothes with accessories to match, wearing the finest perfumes in the world, and choosing only the most luxurious, compelling and sexy lingerie.

A truly sexy and unique London escort, no matter what her nationality or level of English, she will never be out of place anywhere in the city. Girls like the ones you can book from 24hr Companions are familiar with some of the best hotels in the town and have stayed in the finest, most expensive hotel suites in London.


Most of our London escorts agree that style and demeanour separate the average man from the irresistible gent. If you want to be the latter, then something as simple as adopting a sense of style can make all the difference between a fantastic date and one turbocharged with chemistry and sexual tension. If you just so happen to be a client who hasn’t a clue, however, fear not because here’s our helpful guide to making a signature statement that’ll impress the London escorts in your life.

Invest in a statement watch

If you sport a nice watch, you not only let people know you have taste, but you tell people that you’re successful, too. Now, this doesn’t necessarily require breaking the bank and splurging on a Rolex or Cartier, so don’t panic. We recommend owning two, one that’s quite casual and another that’s more formal. Yes, Chanel and Omega design some elegant timepieces, but then again, so do Michael Kors and Guess, both of which are a fraction of the price and look just as good.

Shoes aren’t just for the ladies

As a client, would you gasp in absolute horror if your sexy escort in London greeted you in a pair of flip-flops? You might be an omnipotent god, but show up in a beat-up pair of old shoes, and your escort will think you don’t care, then sit back and watch any spark you might have had fly out of the window. We advise four pairs of shoes: two for work, a more casual pair for the weekend and a smoking pair of trainers. You won’t regret it.

Don’t forget your hair

You might not have a full-flowing head of luscious hair, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tend to it. Even if you have a shaved head, it’s always a good idea to at least wet it and ensure it’s all heading in the right direction. If you are lucky enough to have a full head of hair, then take the time to style it. We even suggest a little wax here and there because if your escort failed to keep herself neat, we’re sure you’d have something to say.

A little effort goes a long way and can completely change how our 24/7 escorts look at you. Make things work for you and make yourself feel confident at the same time.