
If you want, you can book one of our lovely ladies for a day out in Hyde Park, especially when the weather gets a little warmer. She will be able to show you the sights. You can pop into a café for a bite, sitting outside watching the world go by cha, talking about everything and anything. You will find our ladies very approachable and warm. They love to meet exciting new people, and it shows. Our 247 escort ladies like to entertain and want to learn new things. It may be that you have had experiences in your past that you would like to share. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself to our lovely companions. They will be too happy to listen to your life experiences, whether high or low; everybody has a story to tell, and it all adds to the rich tapestry of life.

Being in the right place in London can make it easier to see ladies of your choosing. London is a vast place; most of our extraordinary ladies are in central London. Central London is zone 1 of the underground tube system, so if you are in that area, it can be quicker and easier to see a girl of your choice. Bayswater is a trendy area that our ladies reside in; it’s very diverse, with many good eateries and many hotels, some of which are very reasonable. Bayswater escorts are in easy reach of almost all the great places in London. Hyde Park is within easy walking distance, as is Oxford Street and Piccadilly Escorts; if you walk through the Park, you will easily reach Kensington and all its charms.

If you want one of our lovely ladies to visit you 24 hours a day, this is done. Look at our gallery on 24hr Companion’s website and choose whoever takes your fancy. We guarantee every lady you see is a genuine article and will not disappoint. The most challenging thing you must do is choose, and then we will do the rest. Our ladies will be with you as soon as possible – usually within 30 minutes of your call, where she will be snuggled up with you in the comfort of your hotel. You may find that one hour is not long enough. As you both begin to talk, you will be mesmerised by her charming personality and want her to stay longer, so be warned, our ladies are highly addictive.

So next time you’re staying in London, think of Bayswater Escorts; you will have everything at your fingertips, it’s easier to get to our ladies, and it will be easier for our ladies to get to you; there are so many other affluent places nearby. The hotels are affordable and plentiful, which we think you will agree is the place to be!!


You can call and ask for one of our most exquisite girls. You’re staying at an exclusive hotel in central London, you’re a little nervous at first, but you are taken aback at how relaxed and friendly the receptionists are at 24hr Companions, you can ask about your particular desires and preferences. 24-hour escorts can make excellent suggestions and have chosen a lady called Sophia for his evening. She is contacted, and she arrives swiftly at your hotel – you open the hotel room door and standing elegantly is beautiful Sofia, whose legs go on forever and has a beautiful face, somebody who wouldn’t look out of place in a Bond movie.

Of course, you want to get the business side out of the way and immediately pay; you only wanted an hour, but on seeing this beauty and charm, you decide to book her for a few more hours as you want to show off this beauty at an expensive restaurant in Mayfair. You and Sophia go to Scott’s fish restaurant, chatting excitedly as you have much in common. You can’t believe such a beauty could be so easy to talk to. Dinner is over, time has flown, and you have had a wonderful time in the restaurant for nearly 2 hours.

You believe you have known her for ages and are happy with how she carries herself in public; it’s as if you’ve known her for years… The best is coming, as Sofia can return to your hotel room for a nightcap. You pour a drink and ask if you wouldn’t mind staying a few more hours. Sophia promptly agrees – she loves your company as you are such a gentleman and is happy to stay longer in your luxury hotel. One thing leads to another, and it’s getting very late; Sofia needs to leave, and of course, you need your sleep. She has fulfilled your every wish, and you have fulfilled Sophia’s, too, being such a kind, caring and considerate client.

These escort bookings are genuine, and you will feel like this gentleman if you book 24-hour companion escorts. We are here to help 24 hours a day, so you will always find a convenient time to contact us. So why not see what 24-hour Companion beauties we offer, you may sur? You with our elite classy ladies.


Our 247 escorts are very approachable and will always be kind and caring. We expect the same from our gentlemen clientele, as even if you are nervous, we will not tolerate anybody being rude or passing judgment on our girls. Our girls are here to serve you, and in return, you should trust and respect these outstanding individuals. Our escorts can come to see you in the luxury of your hotel room or apartment. Our companions will always sort the business side out first so everybody can feel relaxed and enjoy the afternoon or evening ahead. The girls will call the agency to tell us that they have arrived safely, and if the evening extends, we regularly call the lady to ensure all is right. Please do not assume she is constantly checking her phone for other rendezvous. It will be just the agency caring about our girl’s well-being.

If you have never dared to use an escort service, they always say ‘safety in numbers’, by that we mean why not take a friend along with you? It may take the sting out of meeting one of our fine ladies for the first time. You and your friend can go into one of our ladies’ apartments where there will be more than one lady. You and your friend will feel safe knowing you are together and experiencing the same feelings, making it more relaxed and enjoyable. We guarantee this will be an icebreaker,d and you will feel like doing it on your own in no time soon.

We care about our clients just as much as we do about our female escort ladies. Happy escorts equal happy clients, and that’s how we at 24hr Companions like it. We always want the gentleman to feel welcome and give us service that is thahehedeseme back, and we want him to become a regular customer. We are an elite agency for a reason: that’s elite gigirlselite in behaviour.

S, If you’ve never felt like you’ve dared tone of our ladies’ rest assured that you can always go with a friend; we bet you’ll both be walking home with an extra big smile that will take a long time to fade!!


This might surprise you, but a lot of our ladies work as an escort to pay for their education. Or maybe it won’t surprise you, as many women take this path. The money is good, and your working hours don’t interfere with lecture times – usually.

So many students these days leave university with huge debts, and they do not want to be one of them. It’s hard enough to make a start in life – getting on a career path, earning enough money to survive in London, etc. – without being saddled with huge debts, which is why they chose to escort as the way to ensure that they could learn and earn at the same time.

The money is handy and means they don’t have to live like a student, which is difficult in London because it is so expensive. Not for shared halls, charity shop clothing, and only being able to attend places offering student discounts. Instead, they can afford to live nicely. Students being students are unshockable, too, so they have chosen to tell one or two of their closest friends about how they manage not to get into debt, and they have been intrigued.

Of course, they have asked all about the salacious details of their life. It can be somewhat ironic, as traditionally, students are thought of as having fun at university, sleeping around, drinking too much and having wild parties. Compared to some of their friends, they are practically a nun

Some of our ladies are studying modern languages at UCL. They are fluent in many languages, so it seems like the best degree to do, and when they are qualified, it will open up many options to them. They could go into translation services, or they might go into teaching or higher education. Then again, it could be the tourism industry.

It will be interesting if they choose to stay in the escort industry. 24-hour escort ladies in London have a shelf life, but they could have another ten or even 15 years ahead of them, and adding some money to their income will be tempting as they’ve got a real taste for the high life after all.


Fortunately, I’m a 24-hour Companion escort, and my clients are of a particular class. They are exceptionally well-off businessmen, wealthy celebrities and filthy rich heirs. This doesn’t mean that I sponge off them or demand anything. They are clients, and I am professional, not to mention independent of my finances. I only say this because I know the right people to ask for financial advice… and the best one-of-a-kind furniture shops and exclusive stores!

I enjoy shopping through London’s finest boutiques, like those hidden treasures in Chelsea and off Mayfair. I have a designer bag or pair of Jimmy’s, and I must frequent Selfridges for my skincare. My beautiful apartment is furnished by Laura Ashley, and bespoke contemporary pieces are found in unique one-off shops. But these things make me happy.

I don’t deny that I am well off and have nice things. I don’t gamble, I have no secret vices apart from shopping, and I don’t owe money. I own my property and live well, and I am not ashamed to admit that I love my life. I know my work has a sell-by-date, and I can’t carry on in this line of work forever, so I have shares, savings and I have my head screwed on right.

Today’s date with my client is a “girlfriend experience.” He has booked me overnight as he has a few days off. My client is an international merchant banker and owns three finance companies overseas. He’s 42 and so attractive.

He is a complete pushover when I have one of my long, toned model legs draped over him as I run my fingers through his chest hair. I need updated information on my stocks and shares to make his unknowing confessions about investor relations worthwhile; I will treat him to a freshly waxed body to die for treatment.