
When you book an escort in London, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask her to wear an outfit which you find appealing. For dinner dates, it may be appropriate to ask her to wear a stylish cocktail dress with sky-high shoes, while for other, more intimate meetings, you may prefer her to dress in some uniform. We all have fantasies, but those involving uniforms can be quickly realised. While uniforms such as those worn by nurses or French maids can be very arousing, one outfit which retains its universal popularity is that of the secretary.

How will you react when your fantasy presents itself in glorious technicolour? When can you see and touch the image that has been present in your mind for so long? Now you have your chance to play out for real all those games you’ve created in your head. Perhaps you’ll be the boss, like the guy in the film Secretary who has to spank his assistant every time she gets something wrong. The choice is yours. You make the game’s rules and decide how the story goes.

Just imagine the stereotypical image of a secretary. The prim white buttoned-up blouse, the tight pencil skirt, the seamed stockings and stiletto heels. Maybe she’s wearing her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck, perhaps even a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. Can you hear the sound of her stiletto heels as she makes her way to the door of your hotel room? The rhythmic click as the steel-tipped heels make contact with the wooden floor. Just imagine how your heartbeat will increase as your imagination conjures up images of what is about to happen and how you’re going to feel when you open the door to your very own fantasy.

Imagine it now as your secretary removes the pin holding her bun and lets her hair tumble around her shoulders. See her manicured fingers undo those tiny buttons on her silk shirt, one by one, until you can see the lace trim of her virginal white bra. Imagine how her bottom looks as she bends to pick up the pen you deliberately dropped on the floor and how the seams of her stockings highlight the shape of her legs.


Birthdays come around every year; as a child, they are exciting; you feel you could pop with the anticipation of what you have bought. You have a party and balloons and eat as much cake as your body will allow and collapse at the end of the day in a happy, sugar-fueled, dreaming of your best birthday.y As you get older, birthdays become routine and can become monotonous, especially for those who are frantically trying to hold on to youth. Presents become predictive and boring, and all it does is confirm that you are one year closer to incontinence.

For a birthday present that will raise your pulse, make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and make you feel like a teenager again, an evening with an overnight escort is a must. Treat yourself this year to the most thrilling birthday present you will ever have: Justin: contacting 24-hour Companions escorts and describing your perfect woman to the lady on the phone who has the sexiest voice you have ever heard. It’s all in hand, she tells you, and you sit back and wait for the woman of your dreams to knock on your hotel room door.

When that knock comes, you open the door with butterflies in your stomach, and there stands before you is the sexiest female you have ever seen. As you take in her heavenly beauty, she purrs, good evening, sir, may I come in? Unable to speak, you beckon her in and watch her pert bottom as she sashays into your room; she looks, and you break into a cold sweat.

Once you gather yourself, you offer her a drink, and she gladly accepts the moment you sit down together, and your nerves begin to settle. She makes you feel completely relaxed; she has the most amazing body, and while you get to know one another, all you can think of is how you will undress this goddess when you go to the bedroom. We’ll leave it there and let your imagination run wild, but I can guarantee the night you spend with her will be one of the most memorable of your life. A 24hr escort will be the best birthday present you will ever give to yourself; enjoy!


Most men fantasise about the ultimate model girlfriend – a head-turning, exquisite, jaw-dropping goddess of love that they can put on a pedal stool. You can guarantee that this beauty would not look out of place at any swanky elite affair. She may be brunette, blonde, British or European; 24hr Companions might have that dream girl you have been waiting for in a long while that will make all your fantasies come true. We truly have the most superb selection of gorgeous girls with fantastic personalities to match.

An elite escort is perfectly shaped for your taste, elegant and sensual. Our girls are very good at their careers and like to make our discerning clients happy and content. Our ladies can carry themselves with poise and are a wonder to behold. She is clever and articulate; women want to be her, and men want to be with her. Our London escorts are most privileged and lucky to work in London with charming gentlemen like you and are always in some of the most affluent areas of the capital.

Imagine treating your favourite lady to a candle-lit meal at a top-class restaurant before retiring together for the evening. Who could pick you both out from all the other couples enjoying their evening together? Nothing would distinguish you from their intimate world of ‘two’ – now that is a girlfriend experience worth trying.

With all that power, is it any wonder that an elite escort can offer that ultimate girlfriend experience when she spends time with her client? Sometimes, he may not even request being treated like a much-adored boyfriend; 24-hour Companiost naturally falls into the pattern of hand-holding and intimate conversation because our companions feel more comfortable and wish the experience the client pays for to be authentic.


Why not take a leisurely browse through our website gallery and see which sort of lady you find attractive and that you wouldn’t mind sharing your evening with? All the escorts you see will probably be those you wouldn’t dare walk up to but find the most attractive. Still, you see, these girls will be honoured to be by your side,e and you will discover it an enjoyable experience and nothing as you’ve encountered before where you have miserably failed. We are sure your date with a 24-hour Companions escort will be a success which will be repeated. We think we will build up your confidence so much that you will wonder how you ever had a problem with ladies before!!!

You may have never been a hit with the ladies, and shyness always comes in the way of what you want or mean to say. You may not have been able to approach the ladies you were interested in for fear of rejection. This is only human, and each rejection we have had makes us scared to keep trying for fear of it happening again. Some other guys you may know don’t mind, or it doesn’t seem to get them down as they have that confidence about them that is very attractive to you, and you only wish you could have half their confidence. These other guys may not look the best; you are far better than them, but it never seems to work for you.

Have you ever thought to consider booking an escort? Now, if the thought fills you with dread and you feel it will be even worse than the ‘real thing’, let us assure you that our ladies are compassionate and caring and will want you to feel relaxed and happy in their company. The best thing about our escorts is they don’t have to be wooed, and they can arrive at your chosen bar or club ready to sit next to you and have a drink – you can go at your own pace, nothing is rushed, and you can talk as much or as little as you want. Our ladies are lovely – but don’t feel intimidated as she is approachable and friendly. We are confident that by the end of your evening drink, a little bit of your shyness will have gone, and you will have that all-important confidence welling up inside you, ready to take it to the next level.

If indeed you did want to take your date to your hotel, you can have her for as long as you would like, providing your funds can run to this. Your thoughtful lady will not rush you in any situation you feel uncomfortable with – but as you have now got to know her and feel at ease, we feel sure that your instincts will kick in and nature will take its course. You must agree that in this way you can experiment with lots of different ladies to find out your particular type, which will get that all-important confidence that you have been lacking.


Just because our ladies don’t choose to settle down and be in a serious relationship doesn’t mean that they don’t like the stereotypical romantic dates that are enjoyed by people courting. It’s the girlfriend’s experience with the twist of the chivalrous boyfriend. The sort of date where you spend hours on the phone with your friends discussing what you’re going to wear and how nervous you feel because… you like this person. Then you get together and go shopping for that perfect outfit to impress. Our ladies will try not to give the wrong impression of a woman who will `put out` on the first date, just enough cleavage or leg to make him desire and be left wanting more, an arranged date where they turn up at your door promptly at the designated time to pick you up and take you out. Then you both awkwardly look at each other and grin and feel like teenagers again.

Our escorts in London this evening will be much like a first date but with the bonus of going inside our client’s luxury penthouse suite in the Mayfair boutique hotel that our clients own for coffee afterwards.

Our client for this evening is an international hotel owner who resides for three months at a time in his very luxurious 6* hotels, which are located in London, New York, Milan, Dubai and Paris. Every time he is in London or has an essential function in one of his overseas resorts, he gives his favourite 24-hour Companions a call and together, our ladies wow and entertain his clients and then one another.

With both the client and escort’s model looks, they make an exciting couple that people can’t take their eyes off, and our client self-proclaims that he is too busy for a full-on relationship. Still, he loves to role-play the thrill and excitement of a first date scenario,o among others. So, he will be picking her up like a true gentleman this evening and taking her out in London for a quiet romantic soiree.

This may be our lady’s job, but if you saw this gorgeous client, you would understand the flutters in our escort’s stomach. And if you saw the client in his birthday suit, well, that’s another story!!