
For some people, being single is taboo, but sometimes being single is necessary to grow and mature into the person you want to be. No woman or escort is worth sacrificing your goals or dreams for, no matter how long her legs are or how cute she looks. If you can’t be yourself, be respected or be loved for who you are and what you can contribute to the relationship, then it may be better to go your separate ways.

We all know this is easier said than done, especially if you have children with your girl or have been living together for some time. The pain from a relationship like this seems to break you down and tear your heart out, literally. To prevent yourself from having a total meltdown, here are a few suggestions that may help you to keep the little dignity that you may have remaining, especially if your break-up was done in public.

Meditation is a great way to take your mind off of your break-up troubles. If you have never meditated, then it may be difficult at first to clear your mind totally from your unwanted thoughts. As you take time from your busy schedule to meditate more often, you will notice that you are at peace with yourself, and you will be able to take back control of your life and your thoughts.

Even though you may be upset with your ex, could you not take it out on the children? Make sure that they are well taken care of. You will be surprised at how spending time with your children, hearing them laugh and seeing them have a good time in your company helps you to better cope with your break up. Even though you guys could not keep it together, at least you have gotten the blessings of children in the process.

After a breakup, give yourself time to heal before getting into another relationship. This prevents you from getting into a new relationship with more baggage than you should, which will sabotage it from the beginning. Be true to yourself. Only you will know when you are ready to go down that road again, so don’t let anyone, not even a beautiful London escort, force you into a relationship you are unprepared for.


London city escorts are sought by men who know what they want but are too busy to maintain it permanently. They want elegance, poise and wit in a companion and the best way to get it is through an agency that specialises in elite companions. Escorts such as these work and reside in the luxurious and high-end districts of the City. They often take residence there for private in-calls and know the hotels intimately if their companion desires. The client’s pleasure is their priority in a professional and discreet capacity.

Being the capital city of England and one of the busiest and multi-cultural places in the world, London is the perfect place to lose yourself in a new experience. But why come all that way (if you are visiting from overseas) to do it alone? Surely it should be in the company of a sophisticated, talented and clever young woman?

Our team of British receptionists are always friendly and polite and will make booking your experience more enjoyable; they can guide and determine which escort suits your particular requirements.

24-hour Companions offers this discreet service with international travel if desired. You can arrange the particulars of your date with our receptionist and ensure your 24-hour Companion experience is unforgettable.


Gone are the days when ladies ask, ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ Today, girls are asking, Does my bum look too small in this?’ We get asked all the time what the secrets of a good behind are, whilst some ladies get a little helping hand from a surgeon, and some ladies like to put a lot of hours in the gym to create perfect bottoms.

In recent years, we have seen ‘the rise of the big voluminous derriere’. Brazilian escorts at 24hr Companions have certainly played a significant role in ensuring the bottom’s popularity.

If you want to achieve a beautiful round gravity-defying derriere without surgery, here are a few tips, and you will have to work hard!!

First of all, a sumptuous bottom is a matter of genetics, but you can give it a helping hand by eating what is commonly referred to as a clean diet.

Me, I do love a lady with curves. But if you want great skin and a peachy bottom with no cellulite, then you need to supply it with lean protein such as chicken, eggs and fish, good carbs such as plenty of green vegetables and whole grains, and healthy fats such as olive oil and avocadoes.

Your behind doesn’t like lots of cakes and sweets, and it will spread like crazy if you gorge on them.

Then there is the exercise regime – the bikini fitness models work, making A LOT of squats and lunges using weights. It’s a great way to sculpt those curves.

There you have it – a 24-hour Companions guide to your best rearview.


This week, beautiful blonde Shakira is with us, and another new stunning brunette has joined our ranks, too! How about that for a great start to the week? Just look at Summers and Ester’s gallery to see what we mean by stunning news; these vibrant and sexy young models are just what you need for an evening of fun and glamorous partying.

The new week at 24hr Companions Escorts is always an exciting time for us because new clients are coming into town, and new girls are being recruited for our selective and elite agency. Sometimes, our most popular escorts are touring London again, and that’s reason enough to rejoice!

Fun, exotic and sensual Notting Hill Gate escort Shakira can have any man crave, with her sparkling personality and enthusiasm genuinely delightful.

If you are looking for a friendly and versatile young model to enjoy the sights and sounds of London, then Summer comes highly recommended.

At 24hr Companions Escorts, every one of our elite models has been chosen for their joyful personality, finesse and ability to intuit your needs, so it is no surprise to know that playful Shakira is lovely and adaptable to your requirements. This spontaneous and exciting sexy Paddington escort can also duo with Catherine and June, so what are you waiting for?


London never sleeps, and 24-hour Companions never sleeps because we await your call. It doesn’t matter what time of day you require one of our delightful girls. We are confident that there will always be a perfect time for you. Most of the bars and clubs are open till early dawn. You will always find something to do at whatever time you want, providing you with the best entertainment, whether you’d like something to eat or if you’d like some company. Some London escort establishments are only open till 3 a.m., but 24-hour Companions is open around the clock, so if you finish from a nightclub around 5 a.m., you can be guaranteed to find a lady available just for you.

You may want to visit one of our young ladies in her apartment in the early hours. This is very simple to arrange, and we can find some fine ladies that work very early dawn. Please be aware that you will not get the whole range of ladies you see in our gallery now – but you will be guaranteed the same calibre of stunning girls as if you were to see them at 8 p.m. We couldn’t have all our females working till dawn every morning as we need to keep some back for the other times you call us. We think you will agree that we want all our ladies to be fresh and rejuvenated before seeing any of our gentlemen’s clients.

Whichever time is convenient for you, we are sure that we will have a lady that will suit you. Please trust in our judgement of ladies. We may not have your particular ‘type’ available at your specific time of day, but we will suggest the loveliest lady, and we guarantee even if she wasn’t your ‘type’ to begin with, she certainly will when you see her!
So you see, we have it all: the right time and the perfect girls. All you have to do is quickly look through our gallery to tempt you into trying one or two of our overnight escorts. If you wish to book in advance or if you have set your heart on a particularly lovely, give us a call, and our friendly receptionist will only be too happy to help. So go on treat yourself…