
Most of our 247 London escorts agree that style and demeanour separate the average man from the irresistible gent. If you just so happen to be a client who hasn’t a clue, however, fear not because here’s our helpful guide to making a signature statement that’ll impress the elite London escorts in your life.

A nice pair of jeans makes a bold statement that you care about your appearance. Whether you dress them up or down, you’ll look much better. While a decent pair of jeans might not be very cheap, it’s essential to know that they’ll not only look miles better than a cheap pair, but they’ll last you years. Even if you don’t have the physique of an athlete, you must add this one thing at least to your wardrobe

As a client, would you gasp in absolute horror if your sexy escort in London greeted you in a pair of flip-flops? You might be an omnipotent god, but show up in a beat-up pair of old shoes, and your escort will think you don’t care, then sit back and watch any spark you might have had fly out of the window. We advise four pairs of shoes: two for work, a more casual pair for the weekend and a smoking pair of trainers. You won’t regret it.

You might not have a full-flowing head of luscious hair, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tend to it. Even if you have a shaved head, it’s always a good idea to at least wet it and ensure it’s all heading in the right direction. If you are lucky enough to have a full head of hair, then take the time to style it. We even suggest a little wax here and there because if your escort failed to keep herself neat, we’re sure you’d have something to say.

A little effort goes a long way and can completely change how our ladies look at you. Make things work for you and make yourself feel confident at the same time.


Tips from a woman who sees many different types of men are sure to be helpful, so even though we may be shooting ourselves in the foot by telling you, here are some of the best dating tips you’re likely to find, and they’re all fully endorsed by our very own escorts in London.

· Smile a lot. Sounds pretty silly saying that, right? But we have it on excellent authority from our ladies that no matter how evil your smile is if it’s genuine, you will be desired. Women want a happy person in their life. It’s not about the “mean and moody” James Dean approach anymore; that’s for kids!

· Be yourself. If you’re not an idiot, try to be someone else! We’re kidding, of course. Back to the first point about being genuine. You’re dealing with high-class escorts here, not silly young girls. They will know if you’re putting on an act, and your date will know, too. There is something to be said for “women’s intuition”.

· Be confident. If your date is with you, she finds something attractive about you. She has, after all, agreed to go out with you! So take this feeling and allow it to make you feel confident about who you are and what you offer. It is beautiful in a man.

· Don’t be mean. We’re not talking about the nasty type of mean; we are referring to your generosity. Of course, you’ll pay for dinner when you book escorts (you’re paying for her company, after all), but you should always make sure you spend on your first date with any woman. Insist if necessary. You can be more relaxed if you have a second and third date.

Practice on 24hr Companions!

What better reason to book an overnight escort than to practice your technique on them? Now, you could argue that dating and booking hired companionship are separate, and you’d be right. As you’ve read, most dating tips are simply the proper way to treat women, whether they’re escorts or otherwise; it shouldn’t matter.

So you see, practising on escorts is a good idea. If you make her genuinely happy, she laughs at your jokes and appreciates your efforts; you can quite quickly transfer your successes to the dating scene. And we think most of those clients that visit us here at 24hr Companions can tell whether or not someone is genuine! You’re not idiots!


The city of London is not only the capital of England and the United Kingdom but is also referred to as the business hub of the country. So, every day, the city witnesses footfalls from people worldwide. As we know, every person has their taste and choice of selection.

To cater to the requirements of local and international clients, we at 24hr Companions have a wide range of escorts in London varying in all shapes and sizes in store. Regarding the figure of the escorts, some clients like their escort to be skinny, some like voluptuous women, etc. The four primary shapes of women are athletic, apple, pear-shaped or hourglass. Clients choose escorts based on the type of body shape they wish their partner to be.

Another primary client requirement is the bust size and shape of an escort. The bust shapes are archetype, uneven, conical, thin, omega and reduced projection shapes. When it comes to breasts, it has been observed that clients are more concerned about the size than the shape, but still, some clients have specific bust shape requirements, too. The bust size generally starts from 30 and ranges up to 40 and has varying cup sizes from smallest to most enormous are AA, A, B, C, D, E and F.

These clients place their exact requirements to our receptionists, and we reply to the client with the names and photos of the escorts who match their needs.

We know all of our escorts well, so if you have a preference, you can tell us specifically, and we can get a perfect match as to what is required.


Most men fantasise about the ultimate model girlfriend – a head-turning, exquisite, jaw-dropping goddess of love that they can put on a pedal stool. You can guarantee that this beauty would not look out of place at any swanky elite affair. She may be brunette, blonde, British or European; 24hr Companions might have that dream girl you have been waiting for in a long while that will make all your fantasies come true. We truly have the most superb selection of gorgeous girls with fantastic personalities to match.

An elite escort is perfectly shaped for your taste, elegant and sensual. Our girls are very good at their careers and like to make our discerning clients happy and content. Our ladies can carry themselves with poise and are a wonder to behold. She is clever and articulate; women want to be her, and men want to be with her. Our London escorts are most privileged and lucky to work in London with charming gentlemen like you and are always in some of the most affluent areas of the capital.

Imagine treating your favourite lady to a candle-lit meal at a top-class restaurant before retiring together for the evening. Who could pick you both out from all the other couples enjoying their evening together? Nothing would distinguish you from their intimate world of ‘two’ – now that is a girlfriend experience worth trying.

With all that power, is it any wonder that an elite escort can offer that ultimate girlfriend experience when she spends time with her client? Sometimes, he may not even request being treated like a much-adored boyfriend; 24-hour Companiost naturally falls into the pattern of hand-holding and intimate conversation because our companions feel more comfortable and wish the experience the client pays for to be authentic.


Just imagine the stereotypical image of a secretary. The prim white buttoned-up blouse, the tight pencil skirt, the seamed stockings and stiletto heels. Maybe she’s wearing her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck, perhaps even a pair of rimmed glasses. Can you hear the sound of her stiletto heels as she makes her way to the door of your hotel room? The rhythmic click as the steel-tipped heels make contact with the wooden floor. Just imagine how your heartbeat will increase as your imagination conjures up images of what is about to happen and how you’re going to feel when you open the door to your very own fantasy.

When you book a London escort, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask her to wear an outfit which you find appealing. For dinner dates, it may be appropriate to ask her to wear a stylish cocktail dress with sky-high shoes, while for other, more intimate meetings, you may prefer her to dress in some uniform. We all have fantasies, but those involving uniforms can be quickly realised. While uniforms such as those worn by nurses or French maids can be very arousing, one outfit which retains its universal popularity is that of the secretary.

How will you react when your fantasy presents itself in glorious technicolour? When can you touch the image that has been in your mind for so long? Now you have your chance to play out for real all those games you’ve created in your head. Perhaps you’ll be the boss, like the guy in the film Secretary who has to spank his assistant every time she gets something wrong. The choice is yours. You make the game’s rules and decide how the story goes.

Imagine it now as your secretary removes the pin holding her bun and lets her hair tumble around her shoulders. See her manicured fingers undo those tiny buttons on her silk shirt, one by one, until you can see the lace trim of her virginal white bra. Imagine how her bottom looks as she bends to pick up the pen you deliberately dropped on the floor and how the seams of her stockings highlight the shape of her legs.

Has all this got you a little hot under the collar? You know the solution…