
I have so many faces as a 24-hour Companion that sometimes I think I have a split personality! Only some of my clients want to see the girlie me or have the GFE. Oh no. Some hire my services for a more specialised flavour of date. Some like their duo escorts and fantasies and role-play fun, too…

London is full of diverse tastes and preferences, especially in the city, where the pace of life is always the same. If you were to stand still near London Bridge for a moment and watch the commuters, the speed at which they think and travel is quite alarming. But among the suits and briefcases lie many secrets – I know I hold a few of them close to my chest.

It never ceases to amaze me how people become aroused by taboo subjects. I research something thoroughly before I take on a new challenge – just as one would revise before an important exam. I won’t get a second chance to impress so I can be in front of my laptop for hours the night before. I prefer a few days’ notice to buy props and costumes, although many clients provide me with the entire ensemble to make the process smoother. Most of these men are married but can’t express their fantasies to their wives. I’m more than happy to fulfil a role – it’s another string to my bow.

So, with all that simmering nicely in your mind, I must turn your attention to Geoff. From the outside, Geoff is your average 50-something family man. However, he comes to my Mayfair flat on a Wednesday afternoon (usually when he has told his secretary he will be on a long lunch) and cleans my flat for me dressed in his Y-fronts and a gingham pinafore. I yell at him every so often, humiliating him if his housework isn’t to my exact specification and call him a useless idiot. He has provided me with a black PVC catsuit and thigh-high boots; my hair must be scraped severely back into a high ponytail, and my lips are glossed blood red. He isn’t allowed to look me in the eye and must always call me “Madam”. I always carry a riding crop with me and occasionally give him a whip when the fancy takes me. I can be spiteful, but he seems to like it more when I cause him to yelp.

Geoff’s 90 minutes are usually up when my bathroom is sparkling and my kitchen floor scrubbed. He puts his suit back on, picks up his briefcase and kisses my cheek. If there is time, I may even make him a cup of tea, and he gives me a rundown of what his kids are doing at school. I find the whole scenario pretty surreal, but it makes him happy, and we never discuss it once it’s over.

Erotic humiliation can take on many forms. There are London clubs that specialise in it and are open till very late. Arriving at midnight would guarantee four hours of fun, should that be your thing. I’ve visited them a few times (as a guest as you have been a member) to watch, and what an eye-opener! Imagine a basement divided into rooms, each with a different theme. So there you are – I’m not such a pretty, prim miss after all! Remember, I’m paid to be the ideal date – whatever form it may come in.


I am often wined and dined in London Michelin stars than they know what to do with. I think I can honestly say that I have been a guest at every single eatery worth mentioning in Time Out. So it was the loveliest gesture when a client I haven’t seen for ages booked me for an out-call booking to his Chelsea home for a good-home-cooked meal.

I arrived with a bottle of Merlot and a basket full of bread from Selfridges. I was going for the whole girlfriend experience because I do have a soft spot for this man, and he was going out of his way to impress me. I even wore my most faded jeans and jumper, and flat shoes to show I was all about the cuddles rather than seducing his little socks off. Not that it wasn’t on the agenda, but I do like a little hand-holding.

So, when I arrived at his beautiful home with my basket of goodies, he welcomed me inside with a big hug and a kiss and ushered me into the kitchen/diner. It was so beautiful, with a real country feel, and I wondered how a bachelor kept it so pristine. He saw me looking around and said he had an excellent housekeeper.

The table was laid for two, and candle lit. He looked resplendent in his apron and the dish towel slung over his shoulder. I perched on a bar stool, and we chatted while he uncorked the wine and poured us both a generous glass. I think, after half an hour, it was me who was feeling seduced. The heady aroma of cooking smells, his aftershave, and the wine made me feel very relaxed indeed! I kept distracting him from the oven, and eventually, he sent me into the front room to choose some music.

The meal he cooked was beautiful, something that you would get at a 5-star restaurant, but obviously, the ambience was more intimate. It was the perfect dish for me – a smoked salmon starter followed by sea bass, then crème brulee for dessert. I don’t think I uttered a word when I was eating apart from ‘mmm’. I was delighted but not stuffed, and when you feel that way – you know that you will have room for a little more dessert, and I don’t mean crème brule!!

A way to my heart is definitely through my stomach, and didn’t he succeed?! I was fed, watered and wined right to my toes. If you think you could match up to this client’s culinary skills in your kitchen – don’t forget there is always a Pink London Escort ready to be your critique…


We have a client. His name is Jake. We know this, Jake knows this, but his family do not know this.

Jake has been a client of ours for the past two years. At 38, his family started wondering why their youngest son was not bringing women home to meet them. Jake has told them he blamed it on his busy work schedule. Jake is the founder and managing director of a famous make-up brand and is constantly jetting off to New York and Milan to design, brand and promote his latest ideas. Our escort companions love that they have accompanied him to these places, obviously not on business, but to shop and enjoy each other’s company. Jake does have a serious partner, and we think he’s living on borrowed time before his family finds out about his live-in lover, but at the moment, they live in blissful ignorance and believe that Claude is Jake’s PA.

Jake has a fantastic relationship with one of our ladies. They get papped together at functions, go to his parents for Sunday roast and the best in our escort eyes, they go shopping together. Not only have they frequented Selfridges and Harrods in London, they have graced the best boutiques abroad, and Jake’s favourite elite escort has proved her worth in the style stakes. They have enjoyed many fashion shows for each other in New York, where no one cares, and gone to posh restaurants dressed in the most bizarre ensembles, which make them roll around with laughter.

Jake has told us that one day, he will tell his family that he is gay, but he has so much fun at the moment, and he loves the fact that his life with Claude is private and just for them. He doesn’t want the hassle. At 24hrCompanions, you can book a 24-hour escort for almost any occasion or create a smoke screen you want to hide. If you’ve only thought an escort agency is just for straight men, then think again. Jake, Claude, Jake’s family and our escorts are all delighted with this scenario.

One day, our escort’s little set-up will end like an unsuccessful relationship, but until that day comes, she will continue to enjoy her time with her favourite client… A mutual arrangement is agreeable to many clients here at 24hr Companions.


Our ladies have already been in the shops looking for their new spring outfits – instead of the shabby black and whites, a little bit of colour is now added to their wardrobe and lingerie draw. Our lovely companions love to shop and know all the best boutique and high-end shops to look for one-off originals or designer must-haves. All of our elite ladies know how to dress, and you will never see one of our designer girls on an ‘off’ day. They are always groomed to perfection and take great care of their appearance. Hair and make-up are a must and always done to a very high standard.

Once you have picked your chosen model from our gallery, you will be safe in the knowledge that our girls look flawless and will be ready for any situation that you have in mind. If you need to show her off at a high-class function, then she will be prepared. If you just wanted to peek at what was underneath her immaculate attire, you can be assured you will not be disappointed; our girls are ready for anything and are very well-trained to know what may occur on her date with you. If you want her to come away with you on business, she can address your needs accordingly and will always dress to impress. She can dress down or go full out and look the company, which will turn every head in the room.

Now, dressing right and looking right is only half of what our lovely 24-hour Companion ladies can do; our travel companions can talk the talk and carry themselves most professionally. Nobody will ever know that you have just ordered this beauty from an escort agency. If your colleagues only knew, they, too, would be booking one of our OK girls for their plus-one event. It’s totally up to you if you’d like to tell your colleagues, but if you want to be discrete, it will never come from us. Although our agency does thrive on recommendations, we would welcome bringing one of your trusted colleagues on board – but only if you thought he was a complete and utter gentleman like you.

We only want the best ladies on our books, and we only wish for the best gentleman, calling what is easily London’s best escort agency. If you think that our elite model ladies are something that you could use for an evening or indeed a business travel companion, then 24-hour Companionss will be just the thing you’ve been longing for. You can meet your chosen girl first to see if you have that chemistry between you, as you will be making a big commitment when you book a lady for the whole duration of your business trip. We are happy to recommend any lady we feel would suit your requirements, and feel free to ask any relevant questions about your companion you may be interested in.


The way most of our ladies work for 24-hour Companions is they stick to 3 golden rules: They never judge, never question and always aim to please. If our ladies are asked to dress up as sexy secretaries or naughty nurses, they will do their best to make their clients’ wishes come true.

We have a particular client that we will name as ‘George’. He lives in a beautiful apartment in Chelsea, and he loves his role play and naughty fun. He likes his girls to arrive at his home in full costume. Costume being, hair severely pulled back, high necked baggy jumper and a long shapeless skirt with flat shoes. Oh, and no underwear!

George wants our ladies to look as though they have zero sex appeal to the outside world. Unbeknown to George, our ladies have no smalls on and have the body of a high-class model. George loves the power of knowing his Pink London lady is undesirable to anyone on the outside, and he has control over his seemingly sexless partner. He starts by discussing small, menial current events while our ladies make tea. Our ladies don’t understand the significance of this average day-to-day task, but then they don’t need to understand. As long as George is happy, that’s what matters.

George and his companion stand on the balcony of his luxury home and watch London commuters and shoppers strolling along, as the odd passer-by may glance up to us chatting, maybe assuming that this lady is a cleaner and then George’s hands do the talking as they both move inside.

It’s all very ‘normal’, but George finds it thrilling. Our 24-hour Companions ladies have often gone shopping or for a coffee before returning to his pad, and he had told our girls how he loves the excitement of the unknown. To our ladies, an exciting unknown adventure is a masquerade ball in London’s Soho. Our lovely escorts’ primary objective is to keep clients happy, and many clients know how to return their gratification with Jimmy Choos and Chanel.

Being an escort allows our lady’s creative juices to flow. Even the boring attire without the sexy Agent Provocateur lingerie lurking underneath is excellent fun. It also gives them a chance to be comfortable and warm without having to hide the tops of their stockings!! Also, I guess that it helps our girl neighbours realise that she is just an ordinary girl who can pop out for a newspaper and pint of milk without her designer finest on. So, if you have a request, our girls are not at all fazed or embarrassed about your recommendations – they enjoy the variety. So give 24-hour Companionss a call and find out what they can do for you.