
Like most escorts in London, they have regular clients, and these are men who want to see them regularly. Some arrange to see them weekly, others monthly, and there are a couple of clients who don’t live in London but who book girls whenever they’re in town. While most escorts like to see a variety of clients, it’s always good to have a group of regulars. Having regular clients means that you can start to build relationships; they know what they do and don’t like, and you pretty much know what to expect each time you meet.

One of our other regulars is a gentleman who works long hours as a trader in the city. He doesn’t have time to find a girlfriend, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have the time to see her. He’s busy climbing the career ladder and is not ready to settle down. He finds that having our ladies as a regular date gives him great flexibility. They are available when he feels like partying, but our ladies won’t get upset if he doesn’t call. They have great fun together; he’s a good company, generous, and loves to let his hair down outside of his stressful job, and our relationship fits his current needs perfectly.

Over the years, we’ve gathered together a group of clients whom our overnight escorts see regularly. They’re mainly businessmen who either work in the city or who come here on business. Our girls are occasionally asked to provide a ‘show’ for clients with one of the other duo escorts; a married couple has also requested them to add a little spice to their relationship. They often go out to dinner, to a club and generally have fun. Our ladies also share an intimacy that she doesn’t have with her other female friends, and she has none of the drama that would go with starting a relationship with another woman.

We love regular clients; we look forward to seeing them, and they provide our ladies with stability.


Let’s face it, gentlemen, you could go to the party alone and take the chance to find someone in the club to share your evening. There’ll probably be lots of good-looking girls looking for fun, too. But you’ll be in competition with the other guys, and even if you manage to engage someone in conversation, you’ll still have to buy the drinks, and there’s no guarantee of any extracurricular fun. On the other hand, if you book one of our gorgeous escorts, you’ll be guaranteed an attentive companion who’ll treat you like you’re a celebrity (even if you’re not) and who’ll be up for fun both during the party and afterwards too.

You’ve been invited to the opening of one of the classiest clubs in town, and you don’t want to go alone, so why not book one of our naughty party girls to accompany you? They’ll ensure your evening is far more fun than if you attended alone, and they’ll give you some extra kudos as you turn up at the door with a gorgeous girl on your arm. Just imagine all those envious stares and all those covetous glances- and the best thing? Nobody will ever know that you’re paying your companion for their time.

As you can expect from an agency such as ours, all our party girls are not only stunning to look at, but they have a fun-loving attitude, which makes them the perfect partners for a good night out. They know how to dress to impress, they know all the best clubs and bars, and they know how to have a good time. They’ll not only be great company, but they’ll lift your evening from the ordinary to the extraordinary, whether you’re a party animal yourself and love to hit the dance floor or you’re a little more reserved and want to spend an enjoyable evening with a lively, entertaining partner.

Our overnight escorts know precisely how to ensure you have the best experience possible, both in public and behind closed doors, so you can be sure that the party won’t end just because the club has completed. Of course, any further services other than accompanying you to the party are at each escort’s discretion. Still, we’re sure you’ll find them very amenable and enthusiastic and happy to help you finish your night with a bang!


Not only are the beauties at 24hr Companions the most physically captivating across the whole of London, but behind their seductive gaze is something which will leave you addicted to their personalities and stunning good looks. Many of the 247 escorts available are educated to a high standard and will ensure that you are intellectually and physically stimulated.

In the presence of a beautiful 24-hour Companion, the city of London can suddenly change from being a stressful, busy landscape to a place of thriving opportunity. Every activity is a lot more enjoyable when there’s a buxom brunette or smoking hot blonde on your arm to keep you company along the way. Not only are these ladies available to accompany you to parties, corporate events, nightlife events or more personal activities, but they will make you feel like you’re the luckiest guy in London.

Simply enjoying a romantic meal with an exotic head-turner or a fiery brunette will be more than enough to ease the stresses of the working day and leave you feeling relaxed and at ease. Also, when the romance and conversation are over, our escorts will give you an unforgettable experience behind closed doors, which only the ladies at 24-hour Companions can do.

London is a thriving, busy place where everyone runs around in a state of urgency 247. Not enough people, particularly the challenging working corporate class, stop enjoying the experiences London offers because they’re not interested in doing things alone. Well, luckily, they don’t have to, and this revelation is exhilarating when men finally become aware of the possibilities. The beauties from our agency will escort you to any event, location, gig or leisure activity in the entirety of London and will do so with grace, style and sultry sex appeal. They will put passion into your life and give you an experience you’ll never forget.

As one of the top agencies in the London area, 24hr Companions will fulfil your needs, whatever they might be. Next time you feel overwhelmed by London city life, don’t hesitate to call us. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


We love the summer, but there is something extraordinary about Autumn… As you can imagine, a 24-hour escort agency doesn’t have a peak time as such, and it’s business as usual for London escorts at any time of year, but here is why we love this season:

Our escorts are fashion fiends, and they adore picking out clothing which complements their figures and shows off their unique curves. The elegance of winter clothing does this somewhat more favourably, we believe, so our ladies always try to update their wardrobe at this time of year.

So, what will our escorts be buying and wearing this Autumn? There are some fantastic trouser suits around now – We know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking to yourself, “Do escorts wear trouser suits? Surely not – surely they always wear dresses or lingerie..?”

Our ladies have varied and exciting dates – sometimes those dates are in a business environment, and she needs to look the part. So a good trouser suit, impeccably made, is a must. It so happens that our girls always add heels to a trouser suit, and they often leave off the shirt. It can be a pleasant surprise for a client to realise they are not wearing anything underneath.

So what else for our lady’s Autumn wardrobe? Lots of our ladies love cashmere, and there are some adorable cashmere sweaters currently for sale. The feel of it next to your skin is unbeatable. It makes our ladies look sweet – sweet and innocent. If they add in a saucy smile, you’ll know that they are bad girls at heart.

Last but not least, new shoes will feature in our lady’s 2017 winter wardrobe. We are sure they will be buying some platform wedges and will be picking up some elegant courts to go with that trouser suit we mentioned.

Now our ladies need it to ensure they earn plenty of money so they can buy all these lovely items!


If you have never dared to see an overnight escort, they always say ‘safety in numbers’; by that, we mean why not take a friend along with you? It may take the sting out of booking one of our fine ladies for the first time. You and your friend can go into one of our VIP ladies’ affluent addresses where we can arrange more than one lady. You and your friend will feel safe knowing that you are together and both experiencing the same feelings, making it more relaxed and enjoyable for you.

Our 24-hour escorts are very approachable and will always be kind and caring. We expect the same from our gentlemen clientele, as even if you are nervous, we will not tolerate anybody being rude or passing judgment on our girls. Our overnight escorts are here to serve you, and in return, you should trust and respect these outstanding individuals. Our companions can come to see you in the luxury of your hotel room or apartment. Escorts will always sort the business side out first so everybody can feel relaxed and enjoy the afternoon or evening ahead.

Our 24-hour escorts will call the agency to tell us that they have arrived safely, and if the evening extends, we regularly contact them to ensure she is alright. Please do not assume she is constantly checking her phone for other rendezvous. It will be just the agency caring about our girl’s healthy being.

We care about our clients just as much as we do about our elite escort ladies. Happy escorts equal happy clients, and that’s how we at 24hr Companions like it. We always want the gentleman to feel welcome and give him the service he deserves. Please come back, and we want you to become our regular customer.

So, if you’ve never felt like you’ve dared to see an out-of-this-world escort, rest assured that you can always go with a friend; we bet you’ll both be going home with an extra big smile that will take a long time to fade!!