So, let us put your mind at rest. Our ladies work as 24-hour escorts; their prime responsibility (other than the wants and needs of their clients) is personal safety. They always call the agency to confirm arrival and again when the date has come to an end. They always use licensed cabs and never accept lifts from people they don’t know. Although the outward journey can be a lonely business, travelling back within a crown is often the best action plan. To mind, they like the chatter of commuters, whether it’s on foot, by tube or jostling a cab. That’s notwithstanding having to meet at the airport when they have to travel internationally.
There is always something ‘safe’ in our lady’s weekend bag of tricks, ribbed for pleasure or extra sensitive for his; keeping things clean always produces a smile from our lady’s clients and a clean bill of health. Our ladies are in the business of protecting their assets as much as anyone else. So if any lady you see does not offer this, you can be sure they are not a such a safe lady after all.
One of our new 247 escorts had a child background of growing up in Surrey, but as soon as she could, she was off travelling north into good ole London town, more specifically, to City University, and her digs were in Clapham Common. She quickly found her feet, accompanied by her class and roommates. They soon learnt the shortcuts so black cab drivers wouldn’t shortchange them, where the best cafes and bars were situated and entertained themselves on their student loans. By the time they graduated, they couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
There you have it, a true insight into the slightly less glamorous (yet always necessary) side of our lady’s worlds. As long as our ladies are always prepared, they are always smiling…