I’m in charge…


I have so many faces as a 24-hour Companion that sometimes I think I have a split personality! Not all my clients want to see the girlie me or have the GFE. Oh no. Some hire my services for a more specialised flavour of date. Some like their duo escorts and fantasies and role-play fun, too…

London is full of diverse tastes and preferences, especially in the City where the pace of life never slows down. If you were to stand still near London Bridge for a moment and watch the commuters, the speed at which they think and travel is quite alarming. But among the suits and briefcases lie many secrets – I know I hold a fair few of them close to my chest.

It never ceases to amaze me how people become aroused by taboo subjects. I make sure I research something thoroughly before I take on a new challenge – just as one would revise before an important exam. I won’t get a second chance to impress so that I can be in front of my laptop for hours the night before. I prefer a few days’ notice to buy props and costumes, although many clients provide me with the entire ensemble to make the process run more smoothly. Most of these men are married but can’t express their fantasies to their wives. I’m more than happy to fulfil a role – it’s another string to my bow.

So, with all of that simmering nicely in your mind, I must turn your attention to Geoff. From the outside, Geoff is your average 50-something family man. However, he comes to my Mayfair flat on a Wednesday afternoon (usually when he has told his secretary he will be on a long lunch) and cleans my flat for me dressed in his Y-fronts and a gingham pinafore. I yell at him every so often, humiliating him if his housework isn’t to my exact specification and call him a useless idiot. He has provided me with a black PVC catsuit and thigh-high boots; my hair must be scraped severely back into a high ponytail, and my lips are glossed blood red. He isn’t allowed to look me in the eye and must always call me “Madam”. I carry a riding crop with me at all times and occasionally give him a whip when the fancy takes me. I can be spiteful, but he seems to like it more when I cause him to yelp.

Geoff’s 90 minutes are usually up when my bathroom is sparkling and my kitchen floor scrubbed. He puts his suit back on, picks up his briefcase and kisses my cheek. If there is time, I may even make him a cup of tea, and he gives me a run down as to what his kids are up to at school. I find the whole scenario pretty surreal, but it makes him happy, and we never discuss it once it’s over.

Erotic humiliation can take on many forms. There are London clubs that specialise in it and are open till very late. Arriving at midnight would still guarantee you four hours of fun, should that be your thing. I’ve visited them a few times (as a guest as you have been a member) to watch, and what an eye-opener! Imagine a basement divided into rooms, each with a different theme. So there you are – I’m not such a pretty, prim miss after all! Remember, I’m paid to be the ideal date – whatever form it may come in.

The Way To An Escort’s Heart


I can be bribed with a Gucci watch or Prada bag, but you will live in my heart forever if you wine and dine with me.

I date a food connoisseur one month every three when he pops down from his home in the Cotswolds to critique some new brasserie. I visited Marco Pierre White’s new restaurant on opening night and was ever so slightly star-struck when I realised I was dining among the capital’s glittering elite. My client merely nodded at a few celebrities and said it wasn’t such a big deal to sit an arm’s length away from a top film star. I, on the other hand, was salivating at breathing the same air as him.

Most of the time, I enjoy dressing up and being on the guest list for The Ivy and Browns, but I like finding quiet spots to eat something homemade. Tiny little country pubs or quaint little cafes on quiet pavements give such ambience to a private conversation. I’m also not opposed to a checked tablecloth, waxy-candle stump and a badly-played accordion. As long as the food is excellent, the wine just as good (and the lighting flattering from all angles), I usually find the date runs itself. I don’t fret too much about getting food down my front or spinach in my teeth because I’m too busy savouring the tastes and textures. I can’t stand these girls who miss the wonder of haute cuisine because they strive to be a size zero or don’t want to be seen chewing in front of their date. Life’s too short to be a WAG.

So why all the food talk? Well, my client is meeting me at five o’clock to take me to Swiss Cottage for dinner. He is freelancing for the Telegraph this week, reviewing Ambar, a new nightspot with a fully stocked bar, late license and international menu. I won’t dress up too much, but I have a new pair of Manolo’s begging to be broken in.

My client loves food but loves the great company of a sexy blonde escort even more, so he books me repeatedly. We have a great relationship, and I tease him about his ‘fussy’ ways, but I believe he has to be in a job such as his!! I was never really a ‘foodie’ until I met this client. He has taught me so much about food, tastes and textures, and I can pick out the most exquisite meals now rather than going for the same old food familiar to me. I enjoy meeting new people and fascinating people like my client, a food critic. It gives my life much variety, and my recent experiences make it much more fulfilling.

So, if you have functions which you wouldn’t mind taking one of our 24-hour Companions ladies to, then why not book one of our girls? You can be sure of an entertaining evening with one of our more cultured ladies, as our girls love to indulge in new experiences.

An Escorts Point Of View


When I was growing up, I wanted to become a hairdresser. At the age of 13, I decided I wanted to become an actress. By 16, I knew I wanted to use my brain, and by 18, I wanted to go to university. It is funny how, throughout your life, you know what you want to be and not what the future holds or what you will be. I’ve always had a penchant for the finer things in life. My overflowing wardrobe filled with designer goodies also confirmed this. Meeting new people and visiting spectacular places is another favourite pastime, and I think I have accustomed myself to seeing this rather lovely beauty therapist.

Cue my job as a London escort, and what better city to explore all the fineries in than London!! I am fortunate enough to travel all over the world and see the exquisite 7-star resorts in Dubai and go shopping in the famous Big Apple that is New York. My clients are never disappointed as the lovely lady on his arm knows how to hold intelligent conversation and to look utterly fabulous thanks to a good lifestyle and plenty of sleep (and my beauty therapist keeping me silky smooth and coiffed to perfection)

Stumbling across the most beautiful of boutiques with some of my lovely clients in Chelsea or the one I never tell anyone about in Kensington and finding and enjoying many mouth-watering delights in Fulham or Baker Street allows me to see London as the great and cultural city that it is. I’ve always lived in London, but visiting the places I do with some fascinating companions has opened my eyes to what the city holds. I have learned a lot from various clients about London as we have travelled around it, and when I hear the same story time after time, I have perfected the knack of looking like I have listened to the information for the first time. There are only so many times you can hear that there is a plaque in Trafalgar Square denoting the very centre of London. I am professional enough, though, to not make the person who is educating me not to make him feel small and carry on listening to his knowledge of things I know by heart.

When I do have those precious moments to myself, I still like to explore this beautiful city. I know what’s hot and what’s not in London, and when I am on my own, there is no better companion than the city itself.

The Right Place At The Right Time


Being in the right place in London can make it easier to see ladies of your choosing. London is a vast place; most of our extraordinary ladies are in central London. Central London is zone 1 of the underground tube system, so if you are in that area, it can be quicker and easier to see a girl of your choice. Bayswater is a trendy area that our ladies reside in; it’s very diverse, with many good diners and many hotels, some of which are very reasonable. Bayswater is in easy reach of almost all the great places in London. Hyde Park is easy walking distance, as is Oxford Street and Piccadilly; if you walk through the Park, you will easily reach Kensington and all its charms.

If you want, you can book one of our lovely escorts for a day out in Hyde Park, especially when the weather gets better. She will be able to show you the sights. You can pop into a café for a bit,e sitting outside watching the world go by, chatting about everything and anything. You will find our ladies very approachable and warm. They love to meet exciting new people, and it shows. Our lovely ladies like to entertain and like to learn new things. Maye that you have had experiences in your past that you would like to share don’t be afraid to talk about yourself to our lovely companions. They will be too happy to listen to your life experiences, whether high or low; everybody has a story to tell, and it all adds to the rich tapestry of life.

If you want one of our escorts to visit you, this is done. Look at our gallery on the 24-hour companion’s website and choose whoever takes your fancy. We guarantee every lady you see is a genuine article and will not disappoint. The hardest thing you must do is select, and then we will do the rest. Our ladies will be with you as soon as possible – usually within 30 minutes of your call, where she will be snuggled up with you in the comfort of your hotel. You may find that one hour is not long enough. As you both begin to talk, you will be mesmerised by her charming personality and want her to stay longer, so be warned, our ladies are highly addictive.

So next time you’re staying in London, think of Bayswater Escorts; you will have everything at your fingertips, it’s easier to get to our ladies, and it will be easier for our ladies to get to you; there are so many other affluent places nearby. The hotels are affordable and plentiful, which we think you will agree is the place to be!!

Italian late night ladies


Italy is mainly mountainous, except for the Po plain in the north, and runs from the Alps to the central Mediterranean Sea. It includes the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Elba and about 70 smaller ones. There are two small independent states within Peninsular Italy: the Vatican City of Rome and the Republic of San Marino. The country’s main economic sectors are tourism, fashion, engineering, chemicals, motor vehicles and food. Italy’s northern regions are per capita amongst the richest in Europe. The list of famous Italian artists includes Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. The country has also produced opera composers such as Verdi and Puccini and film-maker Federico Fellini. Italian cuisine is one of the most refined and varied in Europe, from the piquant flavours of Naples and Calabria to the pesto dishes of Liguria and the cheese and risotto dishes of the Italian Alps.

When it comes to global contributions, perhaps no other country has factored into the lives of men worldwide more than Italy. After all, Italy has given us pizza, Ferraris and Armani suites. Still, any red-blooded gent would be hard-pressed to argue that Italy’s greatest gift to humanity has been generation after generation of stunningly beautiful women. Whether it’s a titillation talk show host or sizzling supermodels, the women on this list would cause any man to dust off his passport and hop the first plane to Rome. Considering beauty, talent and sheer sex appeal, here are 24-hour Companion profiles of Italian ladies waiting for you to try. It would help if we went to Rome and they were in London’s capital.

Whether you would like an in-call appointment or a call appointment, the choice is yours. All of our lovely Italian escorts offer companionship anywhere you would like it to be. Their sumptuous apartments will amaze and impress you, or you can wine and dine with these delicate Italian beauties. You will be in great company, whoever you choose. Our dominant but strong Italian ladies are incredibly feminine, too, and ooze passion and lust. If you are used to the English rose type, the Italians are a little different than you are used to. You must try them; you’ll be left wondering why you haven’t encountered these ladies before!! So why not look at our gallery of Italian escorts in London and see why they are so trendy?