Made for Madrid


The majority of our girls are available for international assignment which is handy for our clients when they need a companion to take abroad. One of these European cities is Madrid. As the beautiful capital of Spain Madrid is its largest city with a population of just over 3 million people.

So why Madrid? Known for its political, economic and cultural excellence, is it any wonder that tourists and other Spaniards flock there every year to enjoy everything this city has to offer? From its world-renowned art museums to beautiful architecture (especially the Catholic churches which are a wonder to behold) and classical music –Madrid is a culture-lovers paradise.

Our London escorts love to be entertained in Madrid. These girls tell us that the nightlife is one of the city’s main attractions! You haven’t truly visited Madrid if you haven’t experienced the clubs, jazz lounges, live music venues. Dining out in Tapas bars, drinking at cocktail bars, or watching flamenco – there is something for all and something every night. Ask your escort if she likes to dance or simply sit and tap your feet to the varied talents of Spanish musicians.

Although the weather in Madrid is much the same as it is here in London (with much less rain!!) don’t let that put you off a city break to remember. As long as you both wrap up warm, you should be able to enjoy the many hidden treasures of this historic and beautiful city. And if the cold gets too much, hop on a bus or train and go somewhere together you might not have thought of before. Remember, when you think you know Madrid, something may just pop up and surprise you!

Booking a spanish escort to accompany you abroad couldn’t be simpler. Either pick up the phone or call us on +44(0)7811 160 160 or email us Monday to Sunday, 24hrs a day. Remember, our escorts will need 24 hours’ notice before they can confirm an international booking, so plan ahead.

Monday again…


So, Monday again. A new working week and a new month in my diary for summer pursuits. Although the catwalks have been sporting their summer range since the sales began, I have only started looking at them carefully while shopping. My reluctance can only be attributed to the up-and-downers of good old blighty weather. To flip-flop or not to flip-flop? That has been the question. Give me continuity any day.

I wanted to save at least five days this month for trips abroad; I have been withdrawing from my passport. One of my favourite fellow London companions, Amanda, has just returned from Milan with a suitcase full of Manolo’s. I almost threw up when I realised she had my much-coveted purple shoe-boots with the red velvet shoe laces. Sadly, my feet are smaller than hers, and I couldn’t justify the price before my following statement on my MasterCard. I could have been swayed when she mentioned they come in red and grey, but the angel on my left sucker-punched the devil on my right shoulder.

I love to look current and unique but still in keeping with all the trends. It would be a complete disaster if I turned up to a date where another lady at a top-class restaurant was wearing the same Prada dress as me. I have expensive taste but like to shake it up by combining my unique dress sense, which I know nobody else will be wearing. I may be headed, but I think I can always pull it off – my figure is fantastic, and I love to show it off – ever so classy, I may add!! I care for my body by working hard at the gym and eating organic food. After all, my body is my business, and I want it to last.

So, with a free (but rapidly filling-up) month ahead and a brand new credit card statement to enjoy, I think I will face the summer months with a smile. As a 24-hour escort, you never know what might happen tomorrow!

Horror dates


I won’t lie… I wouldn’t say I like scary films. Something makes my brain work overtime, and I get carried away and lost in my “what if” fantasies or complete nightmares! I have always loved a good old-fashioned rom-com or sci-fi film. Nothing comes creeping out from behind you in your bathroom, and kids don’t suddenly become possessed and turn demonic as the sun goes down. I grew up in the leafy and child-friendly borough of Hampstead. I attended school with other generally lovely children and their parents, whom I know would never let them watch anything scarier than Count Duckula!!

Jeff is my client for the day and night, requesting the pleasure of his sexy blonde escort to give him some good old girlfriend experience, and has asked me to come over to his house in Belgravia to eat dinner and watch films. Jeff is a 40-something gazillionaire, and he most certainly likes all his mod cons: colossal plasma screen and surround sound. He has told me that he wants to play a real chivalrous man and woman in a relationship where said man and woman watch terrifying films, and the man looks after the woman as she nestles into his shoulder for protection. Bless him for wanting to wave his you-know-what around and hold me in his big, muscly arms, but I am quite frankly terrified. I told him this was a great idea and I would bring extra popcorn in my best enthusiastic tone. Still, inside, I was already screaming into my pillow at the mere thought of the fangs, creaking doors and candles being blown out by some genuinely horrifying unidentified thing.

I never refuse any challenge or date suggested by my clients, as you well know, but I can honestly say I was so close. Closer than the time Bob took me shopping outside of London on a high street with just a QS and a C&A knockoff shop. You can also imagine my disgust when he told me we were going out for dinner in the West End (cue me perking up) to be taken to a fast food job down a side street.

Okay, nothing will be as wrong as that… bring on the screams of terror…yikes!

Dedication is what you need


When you have regular clients who need to re-book you for specific functions, you have to keep on your toes and bring change into the ‘relationship’ more than ever. I always attend Scott’s work/family/social arrangements as his girlfriend, but to keep the booking, I have to keep him interested just as you would in an actual relationship. This is why I’m single. These things are hard work.

Scott is a 40-something gazillionaire who loves to keep up appearances. He lets his staff run his hotel empire and reaps the rewards by holidaying on his private island, lounging in his luxury mansion in Hampstead and shopping in New York for the afternoon. He uses me as his long-term girlfriend stand-in. In reality, he has no interest in making a relationship with someone he doesn’t know and who may only be after his money. In my mind, it’s classic real commitment issues, but what do I know? I’m a London escort, not a psychologist! So, he takes me to work functions, family weddings, press nights, and the works, but he also brings me shopping to cater to such arrangements, and that’s why, to keep this gig, I need to up my game.

As you know, I’m a very proud brunette, but when he mentions that he finds a particular blonde celebrity attractive, I crack out my favourite Barbie wig and act out any fantasy he wants. He loves the fact that he doesn’t even have to ask. Sometimes, when you spend a lot of time with a client, you do pick up on certain things. Whether they like olives, whether they prefer Gucci to Dior, whether they book a hotel more in Mayfair than in Knightsbridge and whether they respond in pleasure at being tickled just under the…

With Scott, we have a great partnership. I have even wrapped his very protective Mother around my little finger. Little does she know that boy is having a faux relationship with a top call girl! We have learned to walk in time with one another, laugh at the same things and finish each other’s sentences. We have been on many dinner and drink dates to get to know each other in such a way.

What can I say? I’m a dedicated woman.

For the love of chocolate…


I love chocolate. Show me a woman who doesn’t, but when your date is obsessed with “playing” with the sweet stuff, you get sick of it.

Haz is a regular of mine who loves to get up close and personal covered in milk dark and white chocolate. Our first get-together was in his presidential suite at his Kensington Hotel. He owns the building and lives there, and his penthouse is most spectacular. We went out for dinner, and he wined and dined me like I hadn’t been in a long time. It almost felt like an actual date where the male of the species feels he has to wow and impress his female companion. We ate and laughed and danced when no one else was, and he promised me more dates like this. His apparent penchant for brunette escorts has preceded him, and I had heard from his other elite favourites that if he likes you, he will buy you jewels and treat you like a princess. Still, if you take his fancy, he will let you see his secret room in his humble (cough) abode.

Haz is so camp in his attire and furnishings you would almost assume he is gay, but let me assure you, he certainly isn’t. I was lucky enough to play my own wooing game and snagged myself a few treats from some gorgeous couture boutiques in Chelsea, and then we stumbled across a very well-known but cheaper store to purchase some nice but VERY inexpensive undies. I wondered why we were buying these frilly smalls in under a fiver, but it wasn’t until I saw the secret room covered in plastic sheeting and the bowls of chocolate sauce that I realised that we would be throwing anything we started off wearing away.

So, dinner and no dessert led to drinks and the intention of coffee back at his home, which soon led to “we weren’t coming back for coffee, let’s visit the playroom” for some choccy fun.

On went the polyester set, and out came the choccy weapons. It was fun, but I swear I’m still cleaning out the fruit and nut from places it really shouldn’t have gone…

Our London companions know how to have fun, so if you fancy some fun and frolics mixed in with a bit of chocolate, then why not give us a call? And we can hook you up with one of our flirty females, which will make you forget yourself for a few hours – or even longer!! You only live once, so give us a try, and you’ll be hooked!