
When you have regular clients who need to re-book you for specific functions, you have to keep on your toes and bring change into the ‘relationship’ more than ever. I always attend Scott’s work/family/social arrangements as his girlfriend, but to keep the booking, I have to keep him interested just as you would in an actual relationship. This is why I’m single. These things are hard work.

Scott is a 40-something gazillionaire who loves to keep up appearances. He lets his staff run his hotel empire and reaps the rewards by holidaying on his private island, lounging in his luxury mansion in Hampstead and shopping in New York for the afternoon. He uses me as his long-term girlfriend stand-in. In reality, he has no interest in making a relationship with someone he doesn’t know and who may only be after his money.

In my mind, it’s classic real commitment issues, but what do I know? I’m a London escort, not a psychologist! So, he takes me to work functions, family weddings, press nights, and the works, but he also brings me shopping to cater to such arrangements, and that’s why, to keep this gig, I need to up my game.

As you know, I’m a very proud brunette, but when he mentions that he finds a particular blonde celebrity attractive, I crack out my favourite Barbie wig and act out any fantasy he wants. He loves the fact that he doesn’t even have to ask. Sometimes, when you spend a lot of time with a client, you do pick up on certain things. Whether they like olives, whether they prefer Gucci to Dior, whether they book a hotel more in Mayfair than in Knightsbridge and whether they respond in pleasure at being tickled just under the…

With Scott, we have a great partnership. I have even wrapped his very protective Mother around my little finger. Little does she know that boy is having a faux relationship with a top call girl! We have learned to walk in time with one another, laugh at the same things and finish each other’s sentences. We have been on many dinner and drink dates to get to know each other in such a way.

What can I say? I’m a dedicated woman.


I love chocolate. Show me a woman who doesn’t, but when your date is obsessed with “playing” with the sweet stuff, you get sick of it.

Haz is a regular of mine who loves to get up close and personal covered in milk dark and white chocolate. Our first get-together was in his presidential suite at his Kensington Hotel. He owns the building and lives there, and his penthouse is most spectacular. We went out for dinner, and he wined and dined me like I hadn’t been in a long time. It almost felt like an actual date where the male of the species feels he has to wow and impress his female companion. We ate and laughed and danced when no one else was, and he promised me more dates like this. His apparent penchant for brunette escorts has preceded him, and I had heard from his other elite favourites that if he likes you, he will buy you jewels and treat you like a princess. Still, if you take his fancy, he will let you see his secret room in his humble (cough) abode.

Haz is so camp in his attire and furnishings you would almost assume he is gay, but let me assure you, he certainly isn’t. I was lucky enough to play my own wooing game and snagged myself a few treats from some gorgeous couture boutiques in Chelsea, and then we stumbled across a very well-known but cheaper store to purchase some nice but VERY inexpensive undies. I wondered why we were buying these frilly smalls in under a fiver, but it wasn’t until I saw the secret room covered in plastic sheeting and the bowls of chocolate sauce that I realised that we would be throwing anything we started off wearing away.

So, dinner and no dessert led to drinks and the intention of coffee back at his home, which soon led to “we weren’t coming back for coffee, let’s visit the playroom” for some choccy fun.

On went the polyester set, and out came the choccy weapons. It was fun, but I swear I’m still cleaning out the fruit and nut from places it really shouldn’t have gone…

Our London agency companions know how to have fun, so if you fancy some fun and frolics mixed in with a bit of chocolate, then why not give us a call? And we can hook you up with one of our flirty females, which will make you forget yourself for a few hours – or even longer!! You only live once, so give us a try, and you’ll be hooked!


I have so many faces as a 24-hour Companion that sometimes I think I have a split personality! Only some of my clients want to see the girlie me or have the GFE. Oh no. Some hire my services for a more specialised flavour of date. Some like their duo escorts and fantasies and role-play fun, too…

London is full of diverse tastes and preferences, especially in the city, where the pace of life is always the same. If you were to stand still near London Bridge for a moment and watch the commuters, the speed at which they think and travel is quite alarming. But among the suits and briefcases lie many secrets – I know I hold a few of them close to my chest.

It never ceases to amaze me how people become aroused by taboo subjects. I research something thoroughly before I take on a new challenge – just as one would revise before an important exam. I won’t get a second chance to impress so I can be in front of my laptop for hours the night before. I prefer a few days’ notice to buy props and costumes, although many clients provide me with the entire ensemble to make the process smoother. Most of these men are married but can’t express their fantasies to their wives. I’m more than happy to fulfil a role – it’s another string to my bow.

So, with all that simmering nicely in your mind, I must turn your attention to Geoff. From the outside, Geoff is your average 50-something family man. However, he comes to my Mayfair flat on a Wednesday afternoon (usually when he has told his secretary he will be on a long lunch) and cleans my flat for me dressed in his Y-fronts and a gingham pinafore. I yell at him every so often, humiliating him if his housework isn’t to my exact specification and call him a useless idiot. He has provided me with a black PVC catsuit and thigh-high boots; my hair must be scraped severely back into a high ponytail, and my lips are glossed blood red. He isn’t allowed to look me in the eye and must always call me “Madam”. I always carry a riding crop with me and occasionally give him a whip when the fancy takes me. I can be spiteful, but he seems to like it more when I cause him to yelp.

Geoff’s 90 minutes are usually up when my bathroom is sparkling and my kitchen floor scrubbed. He puts his suit back on, picks up his briefcase and kisses my cheek. If there is time, I may even make him a cup of tea, and he gives me a rundown of what his kids are doing at school. I find the whole scenario pretty surreal, but it makes him happy, and we never discuss it once it’s over.

Erotic humiliation can take on many forms. There are London clubs that specialise in it and are open till very late. Arriving at midnight would guarantee four hours of fun, should that be your thing. I’ve visited them a few times (as a guest as you have been a member) to watch, and what an eye-opener! Imagine a basement divided into rooms, each with a different theme. So there you are – I’m not such a pretty, prim miss after all! Remember, I’m paid to be the ideal date – whatever form it may come in.


Being in the right place in London can make it easier to see ladies of your choosing. London is a vast place; most of our extraordinary ladies are in central London. Central London is zone 1 of the underground tube system, so if you are in that area, it can be quicker and easier to see a girl of your choice. Bayswater is a trendy area that our ladies reside in; it’s very diverse, with many good diners and many hotels, some of which are very reasonable. Bayswater is in easy reach of almost all the great places in London. Hyde Park is easy walking distance, as is Oxford Street and Piccadilly; if you walk through the Park, you will easily reach Kensington and all its charms.

If you want, you can book one of our lovely escorts for a day out in Hyde Park, especially when the weather gets better. She will be able to show you the sights. You can pop into a café for a bit,e sitting outside watching the world go by, chatting about everything and anything. You will find our ladies very approachable and warm. They love to meet exciting new people, and it shows. Our lovely ladies like to entertain and like to learn new things. Maye that you have had experiences in your past that you would like to share don’t be afraid to talk about yourself to our lovely companions. They will be too happy to listen to your life experiences, whether high or low; everybody has a story to tell, and it all adds to the rich tapestry of life.

If you want one of our escorts to visit you, this is done. Look at our gallery on the 24-hour companion’s website and choose whoever takes your fancy. We guarantee every lady you see is a genuine article and will not disappoint. The hardest thing you must do is select, and then we will do the rest. Our ladies will be with you as soon as possible – usually within 30 minutes of your call, where she will be snuggled up with you in the comfort of your hotel. You may find that one hour is not long enough. As you both begin to talk, you will be mesmerised by her charming personality and want her to stay longer, so be warned, our ladies are highly addictive.

So next time you’re staying in London, think of Bayswater Escorts; you will have everything at your fingertips, it’s easier to get to our ladies, and it will be easier for our ladies to get to you; there are so many other affluent places nearby. The hotels are affordable and plentiful, which we think you will agree is the place to be!!


Italy is mainly mountainous, except for the Po plain in the north, and runs from the Alps to the central Mediterranean Sea. It includes the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Elba and about 70 smaller ones. There are two small independent states within Peninsular Italy: the Vatican City of Rome and the Republic of San Marino. The country’s main economic sectors are tourism, fashion, engineering, chemicals, motor vehicles and food. Italy’s northern regions are per capita amongst the richest in Europe. The list of famous Italian artists includes Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. The country has also produced opera composers such as Verdi and Puccini and film-maker Federico Fellini. Italian cuisine is one of the most refined and varied in Europe, from the piquant flavours of Naples and Calabria to the pesto dishes of Liguria and the cheese and risotto dishes of the Italian Alps.

When it comes to global contributions, perhaps no other country has factored into the lives of men worldwide more than Italy. After all, Italy has given us pizza, Ferraris and Armani suites. Still, any red-blooded gent would be hard-pressed to argue that Italy’s greatest gift to humanity has been generation after generation of stunningly beautiful women. Whether it’s a titillation talk show host or sizzling supermodels, the women on this list would cause any man to dust off his passport and hop the first plane to Rome. Considering beauty, talent and sheer sex appeal, here are 24-hour Companion profiles of Italian ladies waiting for you to try. It would help if we went to Rome and they were in London’s capital.

Whether you would like an in-call appointment or a call appointment, the choice is yours. All of our lovely Italian escorts offer companionship anywhere you would like it to be. Their sumptuous apartments will amaze and impress you, or you can wine and dine with these delicate Italian beauties. You will be in great company, whoever you choose. Our dominant but strong Italian ladies are incredibly feminine, too, and ooze passion and lust. If you are used to the English rose type, the Italians are a little different than you are used to. You must try them; you’ll be left wondering why you haven’t encountered these ladies before!! So why not look at our gallery of Italian escorts in London and see why they are so trendy?