
Does the sight of a woman wearing glasses turn you on? Do you like to have long, intelligent discussions about politics or literature over wine with a beautiful girl? If you answered positively to any of those questions, Agency Pink is the right escort agency for you.

There aren’t very many of our sexy escorts in London who aren’t highly educated to at least undergraduate level, and they all tend to have an overwhelming thirst for knowledge. This curiosity causes girls worldwide – Spain, Eastern Europe, Asia or America – to move into escorting as a career. No exception, they are all fascinated by new people and new experiences, and there’s nothing like being a duo female escort in London for clocking up experience!

Many in-call and outcall escorts return to an academic career after their escorting career ends. Unfortunately, as some disciplines require very youthful, flexible and energetic minds, the ‘brain drain’ from universities to escort agencies in London has arguably set back scientific research by decades.

If you need a beautiful date for a work party or other special e24-hour, 24-hour Companions provide the perfect girl to accompany you. Not only will your friends or colleagues be floored by her sexy good looks, but her intelligence and poise will also wow them. Our ladies can handle themselves professionally and elegantly in any situation, which makes them the perfect companions. After the party or event, your beautiful woman is bound to show you her appreciation for such a wonderful evening.

If you prefer something more discreet and intimate, why not consider an in-call date? Your smart date will welcome you into her elegant London flat with open arms. Your every wish will be granted in relaxing and comfortable surroundings. This option is perfect for the man who values discretion and privacy.

Feel free to browse the gallery of photos and peruse our escorts’ profiles. You will see that they are all intelligent and bright, and they have very unique and varied interests outside of their work. Some of our girls perform charity work in their spare time, and some work toward advanced university degrees. Our escorts here at 24hr Companions are anything but ordinary, which shows in their varied and exciting backgrounds.

Don’t wait! Call us now!


When you have booked a 24-hour Companions lady, you may wonder if you should come and spend an hour-long appointment, two, three or even overnight? As a 24-hour Companions escort, then, the longer your work is, the better it all is for the lady in a financial sense. However, it’s also better for you as a client. Why?

Well, for a start, you won’t always be conscious of the clock ticking away furiously and signalling the loss of all those precious minutes you have together. You’ll also be able to relax a little (actually, a lot) more. Not only that, but sometimes it takes a little while for clients to warm up and get into the vibe. Most of our ladies enjoy a longer appointment as they can let themselves go and concentrate totally on the evening – or afternoon – ahead.

After a couple of hours together, the conversation gets more intimate as you unwind more in each other’s company. Also, who wants to rush a dinner date? In that direction, does indigestion lie? And anyway, at the rate you get served in some of London’s more popular restaurants these days, you are probably looking at a good couple of hours. And imagine having to rush away after all that lovely intimate wining and dining. Cinderella thought she had it wrong? Try being a 24 hour escort who has only been booked for two hours!

Seriously though, our ladies do like clients to feel relaxed and unfazed, and that just isn’t going to happen during a one-hour appointment. You should leave our lady’s apartment feeling chilled and blissful, not running downstairs with your shirt half on.

Not that our girls would kick out a client after one hour when they are still lying half-dressed, of course. But we would both feel awkward knowing we were ‘out of time’. You would feel guilty, and our girls would probably be conscious that they had another client to meet up with later that night and needed time to prepare for them.


The London life is what many young escorts in the city like to indulge in. It’s primarily one of affluence, luxury, fun and pure self-indulgence. The girls you see on our website are very well used to the finer things in life and not afraid to be seen out and about with their clients being entertained in The Dorchester or having dinner by Heston Blumenthal at The Mandarin Oriental. Our London ladies know London inside out, know the places to go and can conduct themselves discreetly and efficiently wherever they go.

Why is this, you might ask? It’s nothing much to do with the British girl being the favourite or anything like that; it goes a little more in-depth…

When considering London, you have to classify it as a multicultural city, like so many places worldwide. However, London is incredibly popular and affluent and provides opportunities for many industries. London is a buzzing place to be whether you’re working or playing there, and the balance between the two can be tailored to perfection if you have the time and the money to indulge. This is the reason why London escorts are widely considered to be the best in the world, simply because there are so many girls of international origin living the London life.

With this kind of experience comes some reward, of course, and the monetary gain that our ladies and so many other girls working in the Capital are afforded is often used to maintain that standard of living they have become so accustomed to. This is why you will always find girls at 24-hour escort agencies like ours dressed in only the best designer clothes with accessories to match, wearing the finest perfumes in the world, and choosing only the most luxurious, compelling and sexy lingerie.

A truly sexy and unique London escort, no matter what her nationality or level of English, she will never be out of place anywhere in the city. Girls like the ones you can book from 24hr Companions are familiar with some of the best hotels in the town and have stayed in the finest, most expensive hotel suites in London.


For most men, having two young ladies all to themselves has to be the ultimate fantasy, and unfortunately for most, it always remains just that. Still, here at our London escort agency, we can make that fantasy a reality. Boasting about your fun and excitement with a double delight experience would make you a legend at work, at Uni or even down your local pub. You’d be the absolute envy of every other man alive. It would also be a memory that would last you the rest of your life. Just think, every night you drift off to sleep, you can imagine that magical moment. We bet you’d undoubtedly fall asleep with a smile on your face.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the famous saying that two heads are better than one. Well, here at 24hr Companions Escorts, we want to take it further and tell you that two top London escorts are better than one. When you book a pair of gorgeous escorts from our London escort agency, you get double the amount of everything you love about our girls. Double the delectable derriere, double the voluptuous curves, double the beauty and, most importantly, double the fun. If you’ve always thought that three’s a crowd, you need to change that way of thinking and realise that this is the crowd you want and need to be in.

Making it happen is easy, too, when you come to us here at 24hr Companions Escorts. All you need to do is have a quick chat with one of our team to find out which ladies are available and which ones enjoy working together. Some of our escorts in London are bisexual, too, so they’ll enjoy flirting with each other just as much they want to flirt with you, which we know you’ll love to watch. When you meet with two girls, you’ll get to pick the best of both worlds, too. For instance, if you like blondes and redheads, you can enjoy one of each; if you love a busty woman just as much as the athletic type, you have both. Often, our clients find the most challenging bit is choosing just one from our gallery of stunning women, but when you enjoy two, you never have that problem.

If you think you’d like to hire two of our gorgeous ladies, then don’t hesitate any longer. You can rest assured that the escorts you’ll be hiring will be friendly, professional and absolute experts at what they do, which means your experience will be the most memorable you’ll ever make. What’s better than having your little private party? Call now or click the link and watch the most eye-opening night of your life unfold right before you.


Even staying in luxurious West London can become a little routine after a while. This is when some customers are booked for a long city break abroad. International assignments are always a delight for our elite ladies. Some of our beautiful escorts are European and love to show off their knowledge of the world’s cities. Of all of them, a break to New York is worth having! You only have to ask, and our British team of receptionists will be happy to help you decide which lady would be most suited for your weekend. We know all our ladies personally and will highly recommend the best if you plan to spend a long time with a particular lady. You can talk to her first through specific requirements – so there is no need to worry. You will be in safe hands with 24-hour Companions.

So what about something for the weekend? What if that ‘something’ was a tall, slender but curvy, stunning 24-hour Companion escort, and if that something made you laugh as well as your mouth water, then how about you arrange that special ‘something’ and to take into town for dinner and a show or to enjoy some retail therapy? Most tourists (and even some native Londoners) enjoy coming into the heart of London on a Friday or Saturday night. The train stations and tubes are often crammed to the hilt with commuters – business or pleasure, it all happens in the Capital. So why not look through our gallery and see which lady you would like for this weekend?

Stop for a minute and look around; how many couples are there? If you weed out the long-marrieds, the sweethearts and the parents, what are you left with? The older man with his ‘mistress’ may well be a 24hr Companions London escort and her Friday evening client spending the night in their favourite Mayfair hotel. Notice how the concierge smiles at them, and the barman knows their favourite drinks. Perhaps they always book the same suite of rooms – our clients love to spoil our 24-hour Companion ladies as much as possible.

However, if you spend your weekend, let it start here with 24hr Companions. Just give us a call and book your expensive lady for that fantastic Friday or Saturday (or both) fun, and you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it before!!