
If you’ve booked your in-call or out-call escort for the whole day, you might wonder how to fill your time. While we’re sure most of you have plenty of ideas, sometimes it’s nice to leave the confines of your escort’s apartment or your hotel room and see what the great city of London has to offer. All our sexy London escorts love to be invited to accompany their clients to the theatre, cinema and even a football match. However, one invite which will get all escorts excited and ready for action is an invitation to go shopping with you.

Of course,e we don’t mean that you should ask your escort companion to accompany you while you purchase a new shirt or a present for your wife, although maybe if that present was a new luxury sports car, she might enjoy the ride. No, the shopping we’re talking about here is shopping for your escort. In all our years running our agency in London, we’ve learned a few things about our escort girls. They all love to shop. They love shopping almost as much as providing escort services in London to guys like you. So when you make a longer booking with one of our ladies, whether you’ve chosen to meet with one of our Paddington escorts or one of our Piccadilly escorts, why not treat her to a trip around the shops of the West End? We’re sure she will be grateful and show her appreciation in all kinds of naughty ways.

So, where should you start? One little piece of advice. Forget about window shopping. If you’ve promised your sexy escort a shopping trip, be prepared to put your hand in your wallet or at least on your credit card and treat her to something nice.

Now we’ve got that straight – your first port of call could be one of the high-class shoe shops. No escort can resist the lure of new shoes. Look at our gallery of ladies and check out the fantastic array of shoes worn by our gorgeous London escort girls, and you can see that a sexy pair of shoes will be high on any escort’s shopping list. Now’s your chance to get in your escort girl’s good books right from the start and offer to add to her shoe collection. Most escort girls love ultra-high, sexy shoes, as they’re the perfect accompaniment to the sexy outfits they wear for their in-call and out-call appointments. Plus, they make their legs appear longer, and that’s always a good thing.

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Get the finest escort experience

All Night Long

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What type of woman – or man, for that matter – makes a good escort, you may be wondering? Indeed, it’s a question that crosses the mind of everyone who enters this profession because, of course, it’s not for everyone.

Escorts come from every class divide – there are high-class escorts armed with private school education and even some girls I know who have studied at Cambridge and Oxford. Then, some girls grew up in council estates and are all too familiar with ‘the underbelly’ of life. Many of the girls here are from Europe or Brazil and have their fascinating tales of growing up in a culture we here in Britain can only imagine. There are a couple of Russian girls with the agency whose parents and many others of that generation still have a communist mindset. So, as I said, it is a natural mixing pot, which, of course, makes for fascinating conversation at times.

Not all escorts are single girls, either. Some have partners; others are married, but, like all good escorts, they keep their working and social lives separate. As you would imagine, this isn’t an exceptionally straightforward task, and, at times, it can be exhausting, hence the reason many escorts take month-long breaks to ‘rebalance’ themselves.

Of course, stunningly good looks and a knock-out figure are essential qualities for an escort who aims to attract the opposite sex, after all. But so too is the ability to provide amusing and witty conversation, put on a cheerful front and mix with a wide range of professionals and individuals – many from different cultures to their own. A top London escort must, therefore, enjoy being with people. She – or he – must also be prepared to play a little acting sometimes. After all, there are times when none of us feels like going off to work, regardless of our profession. In the case of the escort, however, she not only has to be seen enjoying herself but also entertaining her client simultaneously. It’s not an easy task when you’ve already had a difficult day or received some bad news. Maintaining an enticing, entertaining escort personality in the face of this is undoubtedly the mark of the professional escort. And you will find many such escorts right here.


Our ladies like to meet many very successful business people, and we regularly work with clients with a great deal of money.

Our 24hr escort agency is at the top of its game, and naturally, we attract clientele, but funnily enough, not all of our clients are stinking rich. We sometimes get the odd client, from time to time, who has saved hard to pay for the “treat” of a date with an escort.

When that happens, we go out of our way to make him of machinery memorable. It’s not that we don’t make our entire clients feel special. We are a professional escort agency and believe it is part of the experience to leave an appointment with him floating out of the room on a Cloud Nine of bliss.

It is apparent that an escort appointment is not something a man has done before; he wants to ensure his hard-earned money is well-spent. Our ladies will ask many questions, make the client feel at ease and comfortable, and ensure that our ladies do precisely what they want. Our girls get hired for dates, too, of course, and are good dates – having gone on so many over the last year or so.

A suitable date passes so quickly because both parties are having such fun. A reasonable darightitable where the client is left with lasting and very fond memories. It might involve a meal out, it might take the form of a visit to a great club, or it might be something much more straightforward– say, a stroll along the River Thames on a summer’s evening.

The conversation must flow easily, and luckily, because all of our ladies find men so fascinating, the discussion always comes naturally. A date won’t have any awkward pauses or uncomfortable silences.

Yesterday, one of our ladies had a client who had not used an escort in London before, so she went out of her way to make the experience memorable for him, just as we have described. Will he be back for more? We think so…


Now that’s got your attention, I imagine; I suspect you think I will reveal all kinds of erotic secrets and leave your pulse fluttering rapidly as you guess how you could get a lady to re-enact what I have suggested…

The secrets of the boudoir are this: embrace the parody if you want to liven up your love life. The satire is the best way to add excitement to your life; as every good London escort knows,

Our ladies own a lot of burlesque-type clothing. They have a lot of 50s-type underwear, which works so well in this context. They have corsets which shrink their already neat waist to a tiny size. They also have suspender belts and silk stockings – the ones you can roll down slowly for expert effect.

They have camisole tops and matching shorts and have nipple tassels. Some of our burlesque ladies are good at using nipple tassels – now that’s a sight to see…

But the secret of the parody and the boudoir is the hint and the tease. Making nothing blatant, our ladies always hold back a little – a promise of exciting things to come. Our ladies always make sure they are well-turned out and presented.

Our ladies are big believers in grooming, so their skin is always satin-smooth, their hair curled and waved expertly, and their make-up applied with precision. Of course, burlesque styles favour 50s make-up, which suits London escorts who embrace the ideal hourglass figure. They highlight their features with dark eyeliner, long eyelashes and a beautiful deep red colour.

If you’d like to wear a shirt that you can leave behind (as our ladies may leave a trace of that lipstick on your collar,) that is entirely up to you…. But all adds to the authenticity.

The parody also has its sense of humour. Sometimes, people think the escort business is a persevering fire, but the girls have a sense of humour. Our ladies believe we should make clients at least smile – if not laugh. The Sogooddo burlesque routine will include the elements which make you smile. A little light-hearted, flirty teasing is ideal.

So there you have it – the burlesque and the boudoir, all dressed in tasteful black lace with a hint of pink. Don’t you think it’s time you found out more? Then contact 24hr Companions– hurry, they can’t stay in those corsets forever…..


 There are few things more frustrating than encountering a repeat booking without a clear recollection of the client’s preferences, background, or the specifics of the last meeting. For example, a simple note detailing: “Jake, who resides in Chelsea, prefers to dine at Harrods for lunch and has a particular aversion to black lingerie” can make all the difference. This level of detail helps provide personalised service and enhances the overall ‘girlfriend experience’ that my distinguished clients truly deserve. By jotting such insights, I can ensure each interaction feels unique and thoughtfully tailored, reinforcing the strong connections I aim to build with my clientele.

Naturally, it’s common to feel a sense of attraction towards clients, as the engagement can create a friendly and vibrant atmosphere, making the end of the evening particularly enjoyable. However, I strive to maintain a balanced perspective, ensuring that I don’t become overly infatuated or lose my emotional equilibrium. I’ve observed that many of my close friends, who also work in similar environments, have fallen into the allure of such attractions, often neglecting the professional boundaries that are essential for maintaining a healthy working relationship. Their experiences serve as a cautionary tale for me, reinforcing my commitment to keep my feelings in check while delivering the best service possible.

Some ladies had regular clients and ended up giving up their jobs for their newly found “loves”. One moved to Paris for her man, and he promised her the world. She quickly became bored of not working, but he didn’t trust her to get a job, so they ended their relationship, and she came back to London with no job and a broken heart.

Sometimes, you have to fortify yourself with an invisible armor to face the world. My regular clients are charming, ideal gentlemen who have traveled to London for just a brief respite, often seeking my companionship for a handful of hours. When the time comes, you meticulously dress up, prepare yourself, and make your way to their luxurious hotel. Inside, they treat you with the utmost respect and as if you were an ordinary person, hiding away the complexities of our relationship beneath layers of civility.

However, it can be quite disheartening, especially when you’re enveloped in the opulence of one of Knightsbridge’s most exquisite hotels. Stepping out into the grand lobby, you catch a glimpse of your reflection and see mascara trailing down your cheeks, remnants of the emotional intricacies of the encounter. But you remind yourself to harden your resolve. I know I’m not merely a trollop; I take pride in my self-worth, and paradoxically, it is often these very clients, the ones who respect and value me the most, who I find myself happily accepting money from. In those fleeting moments, I embrace the dichotomy of our encounter and find strength in who I am.

So simple rules – enjoy your client’s company but don’t get too involved, learn about your regular’s interests and remember their desires. However, you are number 1 and always take care of yourself first and foremost.