Relax with our ladies


Meeting with the exact escort several times in a row means that you both start to relax more as you become more familiar with each other. While it can’t be denied that part of the initial excitement is generated from the knowledge that you will be meeting with a new partner, familiarity also allows you to relax and concentrate on the most pleasurable aspects of your meeting. Generally, all the escorts promoted by 24hr Companion escorts are known for their outgoing and confident attitudes, but even the most confident of girls can still get pretty nervous when meeting a new client for the first time, and we’re sure that some of you may feel that way too. Choosing to meet the exact escort regularly automatically puts you at ease and serves as an excellent basis for enjoying your time together.

Of course, this doesn’t mean to say that by becoming a regular at 24-hour Companions escorts, you must restrict yourself to a particular escort girl. Like many of the top escort agencies in London, 24-hour Companions promote a host of gorgeous escort girls whom we’re sure you’d like to get to know. However, once you find a few girls with whom you enjoy spending time, your meetings, be they calls or outcalls, will become far more rewarding once you’ve developed a bit of a relationship.

When an escort meets a new client for the first time, whether they’re booked for outcall escort services or in-call escort services, they’ll often take four or five minutes, or sometimes longer, to get to know their clients before getting down to the main business of the meeting. If you’ve already met several times before, you’re both more likely to feel comfortable with the whole situation and far more ready to indulge in whatever sexy fun you have planned.

Another obvious advantage of becoming a ‘regular’ is you’ve always got access to a couple of sweet and sexy escorts who are more than willing to look after your needs and desires. Do you love the thought of spending some time with our duo escorts? You’ll enjoy it more if you already know both girls. Imagine it now: you know precisely how each girl loves to tease and please you, and now you’re going to have double the pleasure of two escorts whom you enjoy spending time with regularly. Plus, should you wish to book duo escorts to entertain you and a friend, you’ll know exactly who to choose from our fantastic selection of escorts available 24 hours a day.

Overnight bookings


If you’re planning an overnight escort, ensure you have a few things at your place (be that your home or a hotel room) to enable her to freshen up and feel comfortable. A few toiletries, fresh towels, and plenty of hot water, for example, should be the very basics. Small gifts such as perfume, luxury toiletries, or cosmetics are always welcome, as are lingerie or nightwear. Use your imagination; how would you treat your date on the first night you spent together? Remember, even though escorts are doing a ‘job’, they love to be treated to a few surprises too.

Once you’ve arranged a meeting with one of our ladies, it’s time to make preparations to ensure it goes as planned. If you’ve agreed to spend just a short time with your companion, always ensure you turn up on time. You don’t want to risk having your booked time reduced because she has another appointment after yours. Of course, always ensure that you’re clean and fresh. It’s best to treat a meeting with an escort just like any other date.

On the other hand, if you’re planning to spend time at her apartment, take along some things to help you feel fresh and comfortable, for example, an overnight bag with some grooming products and perhaps a new change of clothing, and maybe even a small gift in there too.

When you finally get to meet up with your chosen escort, remember to act naturally. Be friendly and open; use your sense of humour to help her and you relax. If you’ve decided to meet in a bar or restaurant, this will give you time to get to know each other a little before intimacy begins. If you’re meeting at your hotel room or her place, take a few moments to chat and develop some rapport. Compliment her on her hair, her dress, or the thing that you find most appealing about her, from her eyes to the way she laughs. Women love compliments, especially if they’re genuine!

Sharing a couple of drinks is always an excellent way to break the ice, although you may find that some of our 24-hour Companion ladies prefer not to drink when they’re with clients. Whatever they choose to do, you should respect their decision and not try to force them into drinking alcohol with you. It’s also a good idea to discuss exactly what you hope to achieve during the meeting so there’s no disappointment if they’re not prepared to offer a particular service. This also allows you to end the session early and re-arrange with someone who can fulfil all your desires.

If you’ve enjoyed your time with one of our ladies, we hope you’ll want to see them again. Maybe you’d like to set up a regular meeting with the exact escort, or perhaps you’d like to experience some time with one of our other gorgeous girls. If you’ve had a perfect time, maybe you’ll want to see her regularly and allow your relationship to develop. On the other hand, you may prefer the excitement and thrill of meeting with a new girl each time. This, of course, will depend entirely on your particular preference, although do bear in mind that you’ll probably get priority treatment as a regular client, which can prove very helpful when making bookings in the future.

Experience our ladies in 2017


You could, of course, head down to the nearest wine bar or nightclub and find a lady there, but why go to all that hassle when we’ve hundreds of gorgeous girls here on our website who are more than willing to spend some quality intimate time with you, whether you only have only an hour to spare or a total 24 hours? Whether you prefer redheads, blondes or brunettes, we’ve put together one of the best galleries of London escorts in the capital. We offer a superb selection of female companions whether you’re looking for a night on the town in the West End or want a passionate night in your hotel room.

Our escorts promoted by 24hr Companions may be living and working in London. Still, they’re a mixture of nationalities. Though we mainly offer escort services by Eastern European escorts, Russian escorts and Brazilian escorts, we do have escorts from various countries in Europe, too. While all the escorts in our galleries are stunning, you’ll find that many of them are well-educated and multilingual, too. Still, one thing’s for sure: they’ve all got what it takes to make excellent companions for an hour, an evening or even longer.

Our 24-hour London escorts are available for a range of meetings, so even if you’ve only got an hour to spare, you can find one of our London escort girls available to meet with you.

Many of our London escorts are more than happy to spend a whole night (or more) with you, whether you’re planning drinks and a meal followed by a nightclub and then back to your place, or you prefer to visit your escort at their comfortable incall apartment for some overnight fun.

So give our friendly team of English receptionists a call, and they will be on hand to provide you with a helping hand…