Hotels to see our Companions

The best of the best is often to be found in the best places. 24-hour Companions in London are only seen in the best hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. But because they’re high-class escorts, you’d never know who they are…

That’s the other beauty of it, you see. These girls are as discreet as an escort, putting them at the very top of their game. You could, of course, assume that every lovely girl you see is an elite escort. But that wouldn’t be a fair assumption now, would it? Even though most of the very most beautiful among them probably are! Here’s a list of some places where these girls like to hang out: when they’re with clients and also when they’re among friends.

· The Dorchester. One of the finest hotels in the land! One of their best suites could cost you in the region of £3k a night! However, the service in this place, the staff and everything else is excellent. They are highly recommended!

· The Intercontinental. Another great London hotel. Regarding suites, The London Suite will cost you £3.5k a night. The views here are fantastic, and the bathrooms are spacious enough for you and any high-class escorts who want to have fun!

· Aqua Spirit restaurant and bar. In the best part of Soho, this rooftop bar is on the top of the former Dickens and Jones department store. Great views and great cocktails!

· Attic. Attic is a fashionable and not very cheap cocktail bar in Canary Wharf—a trendy hangout for London escorts and those high flyers that book them. You couldn’t wish for a more atmospheric and romantic atmosphere in this area.

You might like to book dinner at one of these places or arrange to meet one of our 24-hour London escorts in one of the bars. The hotels we have listed can sometimes be particular about who they allow to stay in your room unless you have enough money to tell them otherwise! Either way, you can get around this by booking high-class escorts. These girls never look out of place at the best hotels in the city, unlike some of the cheaper variety girls you could find.

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