Manners costs nothing


Good manners are always attractive no matter what the situation. Our escorts love to please their clients, and clients who try to be polite and considerate are always appreciated by the staff. Good etiquette benefits the client because every escort prefers and enjoys spending time with a gentleman!

After sifting through so many etiquette rules about booking escorts, here are the most important, in our opinion. The list is not exhaustive, of course.

Being punctual and polite

Clients who turn up to their bookings on time and are polite on the phone to the agency will make a great impression even before the booking. Punctuality shows that the client cares about the escort’s time and is keen to keep his word. When a client cannot be punctual due to delays, he should be polite and inform the escort agency as soon as possible.

Personal hygiene

Clients who try to look groomed and clean will make a great first impression. Escorts love spending time with a client who cares about their hygiene. Many high-class escorts will have good facilities for washing if the client has not done so already.

Respectful at all times

Being respectful could imply many different things and should be consistent throughout the booking. Some compliant actions would include not bargaining down the escort’s prices, respecting the escort’s boundaries and being discreet when seen with the companion in public.

Our escorts can be quite beneficial…


Clients visiting the London School of the are hugely attracted to the stunning models that 24-hour Companions offer. Slim and tall, petite or busty, there is a perfect companion for every preference. It is hard to decide when faced with so many fantastic options! The seasoned client knows that booking escorts is a way of life rather than an impulsive decision. There are many reasons why clients want the company of beautiful London escorts; however, the main reasons are related to their health. Did you know that there are a higher number of higher-class escorts per square metre in London than in any other city in the world? There is a demand for this large number of escorts, and you will discover why millions of clients do this.

You are bored, listless and have seen the best of everything in the world. Many ultra-high-net-worth individuals feel this way because they have experienced every luxury. This is when 24-hour companions can come to the rescue! Beautiful, passionate and open-minded, high-class escorts can help jaded clients feel alive and entertained.

High-class escorts have flexible schedules because they cater to busy individuals with little time to spare. Flexible schedules, last-minute cancellations and short-notice bookings are things high-class escorts take into their stride.

The company of London escorts is relaxing, or it can be invigorating. You will feel less stressed once you have enjoyed some time with a sensual companion, which is good for your health. Reducing the stress hormone cortisol benefits your health dramatically. It can prevent heart problems and high blood pressure. Many high-class escorts are trained in relaxing massage, which will further help clients.

Clients with highly powered careers like to stay focused and productive throughout the working week. This is nearly impossible at times functional are a working automaton. High-class escorts will provide the distraction that helps you focus better and smash your productivity records at work.

High-class escorts are paid to be impartial and highly confidential. Clients can talk about their frustrations at work and problems without fear of being judged. Professional escorts are always open-minded, making clients feel less like they are in a toxic, hostile environment.

Beautiful, Mature Companions


What is it about mature ladies that people can’t get enough of? From sensual mature beauties for dating to hot female celebrities such as Monica Bellucci and Sophia Loren, adult women are desired by many. In London escort agencies, high-class mature escorts often outshine much younger escorts. If you are new to booking London escorts or want to try a different experience, we give you some great reasons to book mature escorts.

1. Mature escorts are beautiful

High-class mature escorts are stylish and keep themselves looking beautiful for clients. Mature escorts are always immaculately presented and intoxicating in their sensuality. Younger escorts may have tauter physiques; however, mature escorts have grown into their beauty and flaunt it confidently.

2. Mature escorts are experienced

Mature escorts are experienced in life. They have a wealth of experiences to bring into a more satisfying companionship. Mature escorts have skills in dealing with many different types of people in their lives, and that experience makes them more attractive.

3. Mature escorts make intelligent and refined companions

Many mature escorts have a full-fledged career that gives them the experience and sophistication to handle any social situation. Their intelligence is very alluring to clients. If you are looking for an assured and intelligent companion for high-brow social events, mature escorts are your best choice.

4. Mature escorts are confident in themselves

Mature escorts are confident enough in themselves that they will put clients first. Clients have glowing feedback for mature escorts because they love to pamper client’s needs. At the same time, mature escorts will not allow clients to push boundaries, which is very attractive.

5. You learn more from booking with mature escorts

Mature escorts have a world of experience to offer clients. Most mature escorts are confident, optimistic and grounded in their approach to life. This is refreshing for clients and makes for fulfilling escort bookings.

Our eloquent ladies


A modern city with a rich history, London is one of the best places to visit for business or pleasure. There are countless attractions to see and fun things to do 24/7. If you enjoy the company of beautiful women, then London is known for the numerous escort agencies and gorgeous escorts that flock worldwide. In this city of pleasure, it is easy to be less discerning about who you give your money to. As diverse and varied as the London agencies are, not all are great, and you might learn a lesson or two during your stay!

One of the best ways to decide which London escort service to choose is by listening to feedback. Feedback can be via your colleagues, a friend, or even forums about London escort agencies. The best thing about feedback is their impartiality, and you might be able to discern from other people’s experience which escort services are the real deal.

Another way to cut through the noise of escort agencies and find your perfect escort date is through Google. Type in a search for London escorts or high-class escort agencies, and you should be able to allocate the most popular and professional escort agencies on the first page. Professional escort agencies like to invest money in their advertising, and they will get results on the first page of Google.

In the London escort industry, it is expected to use flattering photo-shopped images of their models, and it should not come as a surprise to know that unscrupulous agencies use images that misrepresent their escorts a lot. A professional escort agency will be less heavy-handed with their photoshopping, but a lousy agency will not care. Generally, high-quality photos in a sophisticated setting indicate a better quality escort than garish photos that make their models look like plastic dolls.

One of the most significant issues clients have when booking an escort is discretion. Some clients will pay over the mainstream rate to have more control and confidentially enjoy their time. A great London escort agency will always guarantee choice. They will not store any information in their database, ask for credit card payments or send their girls in conspicuous-looking cars driven by scruffy drivers. An excellent escort service acts in a low-fundamental way and asks their escorts to behave like a lady in public, appear elegant in their choice of attire and arrange their taxi. For an outcall booking in London, the high-class escort will dress to blend in with the upmarket surroundings and not loiter around the lobby. The excellent escort services will train their models about etiquette in affluent surroundings and how not to draw attention to themselves. When you book an in-call escort in London, the great escort agency girls always have discreet and clean flats in an affluent part of the city so that the client feels safe and able to commute easily.

In a city that offers everything from lively nightlife to cultural events, the best escorts to book must be versatile. Excellent escort services will provide companions for various events in London and allow you to personalise your booking. If they seem eager to help and are helpful with recommending the best escorts for your particular needs, then they are likely to care about delivering an excellent service.

Summer lovin’


How is summer treating you? If, like us, you are working hard and looking forward to a well-deserved drink after work, you cannot be in better company! At 24hr Companions, we have many charming, friendly and gorgeous high-class London escorts who live by the mantra: work hard and play even harder. If you are at a loose end these evenings or want someone to accompany you to an event or particular restaurant this week, let 24-hour Companions find that perfect escort in London!

Summer is underway in London, and as always, we would love to update you about our agency. There is no better time than summer to visit London, although many of you are going away on holiday, because our Royal parks, outdoor spaces and attractions are so charming! Have you experienced cruising down the River Thames from London’s embankment SE1 on a sunny day or partied the night away at Kensington’s Roof Terrace W8? For the pleasure seeker at heart-London is full of such delightful places to help you escape from the mundane. And this week, we have great news in the form of gorgeous blonde model Amelia and luscious brunette escort Carmen. What more could you want?

Beautiful elite English escort Amelia is perfect: friendly, intelligent, adaptable and highly playful when you need to perk up! There is no getting around it-our high-class escorts are incredibly addictive, and once you’ve spent some time with them, you’ll want to experience the excitement all over again! That is why high-class beauties such as Carmen and Amelia are in high demand: they know what makes you happy, and you can’t help but smile when you are in their company.